Eye eye, what's goin' on 'ere then?
It's been a wee while since I did a list and I haven't been at all innovative or clever or original with this one. It's unashamedly poppy and mainstream. The first song is almost a joke but I couldn't help thinking how great that melody would sound re-worked by Miles or Herbie Hancock. I suppose I just wanted to hear this lot again. The highlights were reminding myself how great the lyrics of 'Eye of the needle' are, remembering what a good mood anything by Altered Images puts me into and recalling what great vocal control Billy Idol has.
I'm away soon so may not be in next week. I've some news from Manuel Goettsching so I may pop in later with that. I'm not even daring to ask you to identify the picture, the film, the director and what happens next. Oh and how it was done...
Chien Andalou, Luis Bunuel (co-written by salvador dali) the eye gets sliced, I believe they used a donkey's eye.
damn you steenbeck, I was going to say that!
Love it, Lady S. I read it was a cow, but who's splitting hairs..?
Just spent a couple of hours putting up shelves in the attic while listening to this - it kept on repeating! Favourite discovery was The Alan Parsons Project - - can't think who it reminds me of... A bit of Art Garfunkel I suppose...Steely Dan? Anyway, 'twas lovely so thanks.
any one else listening to the 2-Tone story
5 years ago someone saying Saturday night your son will fall asleep in his third bowl of home grown courgette with pasta.. you'll put him to bed and listen to radio two!!!
I would have laughed.
Alan Parsons Project- I had one album with transparent blue/red sleeve.. what ever way round you put it you got a different design- can't for the life of me remember what they sound like.
Will listen in an hour.
woah- eyes without a face takes me back to about 15 yrs. old- scary stuff.. the Depeche Mode takes me back too, my brother spent 1986 playing nothing else.. Eye of the needle and Roxy's Angel Eyes both new to me and good..
Shane- 9 yrs ago you could have raised a smile with me if you'd said my partner would be sitting on a giant inflated turtle in the living room playing Bitches Brew on her new cellphone, while my daughter alternated between riding around the room on her inflated rubber horse and skip-rope-jumping with a scarf..
"sitting on a giant inflated turtle in the living room playing Bitches Brew on her new cellphone"
(that's a Julian Cope record sleeve right there)... tears are in my eyes from the image So funny.
If I could prise the damn phone out of her hands even just for a second I'd mail a photo of the scene to the blog.. oh, she's just moved- says if she sits on the wobbly turtle any longer it will make her drunk.. right, that and the Pfälzer Scheurebe..
You are all getting more surreal than Dali himself. That Chien Andalou still, still gives me the willies. Good Dali museum in St. Pete's - was blown away by the sheer size of some of his paintings - they are huge.
not as suureal as being on holiday surrounded by braying mentally disturbed donkeys with a signed photo of king hussien 1 on the wall!!
Margate isn't what is was..
I'd pop down the road to broadstairs Blimpy...less Hussien..happy Donkeys about to retire.
And if you ever see Repulsion, Polanski mimicked the movement of the razor across the eyeball in the movement of the credits across the screen
@ Toffee and Saneshane: glad it hit the spot. I can't hear the Alan Parsons Project without thinking of Austin Powers. You know the running gag that Dr. Evil by chance picks names for his projects that unfortunately already exist - only he doesn't know it but his poor son Scott does. So when he's presenting his "laser beam" designed by a man named Alan Parsons, he decides to baptise the plan "Alan Parsons Project". Cue incredulous chuckle from Scott. Anyone else like Austin Powers or am I alone in that one?
@ Nilpferd - if you liked Eye of the Needle then do some serious deezering for The Divine Comedy. Lots of their stuff on there. One of my favourite bands and very good in concert.
Rd: Surrealism - the Froghousehold loves Dali. He was utterly barking but technically perfect when you look at his miniatures. They're so intricate. Big fan.
@ Mnemonic - very interesting. I've seen 'Repulsion' a couple of times - one of the most disturbing films I know - but I didn't know that. Cheers. We saw 'Lady in the Water' by M. Night Shamalamadingdong last night. Oh it's not THAT bad. He's tried to do a fairy tale for adults and even explains this much in one of the scenes. The structure is very clever. I think it falls down when you actually SEE the monsters. The CGI never quite seems to work and I feel you can always make monsters more frightening if you just suggest them. But it didn't deserve the panning and ridicule it got...
Do we have news of TK's wedding?
fp - re Tracy's nuptials:
I've had a couple of emails inc some of the wedding photos from her. It's not my place to put them up on here without her permission, but if you email me (link via my moniker on sidebar) I can send you a couple of them.)
steenbeck is trying to put together some sort of virtual homecoming welcome I think ...
You're right, FP, it was a cow. They certainly managed to tap into some elemental heebie jeebie factor.
Nice one Darce - I shall E Mail you. Lady Steenbeck - great idea to do TK a nice homecoming page. And un chien andelou really IS heebiejeebieville...
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