None up so far so I'll jump in and if someone else was getting ready to post, my apologies:
1. What is your favorite scent/perfume?
2. What is the worst smell in the world?
3. What did you do of an evening before Internet.
4. When you hear a band for the first time, what do you listen for first?
5. What is your favorite room in the house and why?
1. Old Spice, makes me think of my Dad. I don't really know the names of any others
2. Burning plastic campfires at Festivals. That smell clings to you, and is well ming.
3. Does nOt COMPUte### error//error 10101100010010101 00(010010 010##
4. Whether it makes my heart go boom boom
5. The lounge, cos it has Daddy Corner (the chaise next to the record player) , the comfiest sofa in the world ever, and a massive bay window which lets in amazng light in the latter half of the day
1. On me: Tsar (Van Cleef & Arpels). On DarceysMam: CK One.
2. Burning wiring. Specifically for the Pavlovian panic it induces.
3. Given that pre-internet also means pre-kids, a lot more post-work pub, a lot more gigs, and particularly a lot more mid-week trips to see LFC.
4. My default setting used to be "how much rock guitar is there?", but since RR and you lot got hold of me, I don't have an answer now!
5. Don't really have one. Depending on how my day has been, it flips between "wherever the kids are" and "wherever the kids aren't"!!
1. 'Obsession' did some weird thing for me, and boy did I end up with some nut nuts because of it.
2. I was bitten by an odd fly while on a river in Dorset.. it swelled up, then burst.. 10 day old rotten animal in the summer sun x10.. the stench made me hurl. (enjoy your lunch, everyone)
3. I started using the internet when my son was born.. so before that I went out got drunk and then had sex. (only once though, unfortunately, seem to remember it was quite good!)
4. if my eardrums are to be caressed or pounded or offended.
5. ya ya room.. I was playing the Yeah Yeah Yeah Song by the flaming lips a lot when we moved to this house.. my not yet 2 year old named the room after the song.. computer cds record player artwork all to hand.
1. Paloma Picasso, Mrs Abahachi's choice.
2. Oil-seed rape in flower: the main disadvantage of cycling through the countryside at this time of year.
3. The internet has killed my brain cells, so can't remember. Television?
4. Half of me is listening for things like rhythm and bassline and/or loud guitar; the other half is seeking to pigeon-hole them in terms of bands I already know.
5. Kitchen: love cooking.
1) L'Occitane Orange (I think they designed it for women, but it makes a great wake-the-f---up morning aftershave as well - dare to be different folks!)
2) Eggy trumps - sorry, you did ask...
3) I always look at the internet very late at night (usually after midnight) so my evenings are the same as they have always been. Empty.
4) To paraphrase Morrissey, the sound/song/beat/lyric/whatever has to say something to me about my life. Since its my great good fortune that my life is quite rich in tones, that can be an awful lot of different things, luckily.
5) Never really had one of these, since i'm always moving about and I have no permanent home, so it depends on the place I live. In my last flat it was the bathroom, coz it had one of those big deep free-standing, victorian looking baths on little legs, in which I could dip my tiddlies for hours undisturbed, as well submerge myself completely.
1. Issey Miyake for Ladies. It is all Mrs Frod has ever used as long as I have known her. On me, obv. Sex Panther. '60% of the time it works every time.'
2. Probably that inauspicious smell that a clutch makes when it gives up the ghost.
3. First found the internet at university, circa 98/99. Before that the sad answer may well have to be - listened to the Evening Session and did my homework. Oh and drink and sex and music and mmmrmrmrmmm...
4. I find it really hard to ever listen to one thing. First time round I almost always dislike or am ambivalent to most bands that I grow to love over time. So I guess one good (if self-defeating) test would be whether or not I notice anything AT ALL.
5. Since I've not yet been lucky enough to get my own equivalent of shane's ya ya room (all entertainment and movie posters) it probably used to be the bedroom but is rapidly becoming the kitchen. What that says about me, you can derive for yourselves.
1. One of my own inventions!! These are secret recipes, so don't tell anyone. But my fav is Bergamot, lavender, vanilla & a hint of lemongrass. I also have one with peppermint & lime that I like a lot. And I find Mr. Steenbeck's natural scent quite intoxicating, so he doesn't wear any cologne.
2. Puke. Or generally smells of illness & disinfectants.
3. Lots of different stuff, same as now.
4. You cheated! We're not allowed to ask music-related questions!!
5. There's a room in the attic that will be somebody's bedroom some day, but now it's not used much. it's small, but one whole wall is bay windows, so it has a lovely light, and it's quiet and haven-ish.
1. My ex used to describe any perfume I bought as 'Essence of Giraffe' so I stopped using any. It brings me out in a rash, anyway.
And I like giraffes.
2.Fresh cat poo must come fairly high up the list, especially when it's somewhere confined like the back of a car.
3. Pre-sprog it was drinking, carousing, listening to music or gardening. Apres sprog - housework, Lego building, story-reading, crawling around the floor with a plastic sword trying to hook things out from under the settee.
4. Nothing in particular, it either hooks me in or it doesn't.
5. Favourite room - probably the sitting room, which is what they call in these 'ere parts a 'through by light' - in other words there is a window at both ends so you get the morning and afternoon /evening sun.
1. With deference to B-Mac for the reasoning, Brut hair oil was always a source of fascination and is now a byword for memories of my dad.
2. It's not a bad smell, really, but once I get a whiff of bananas in anything, I'm back in my infant school on my very last day there, bent double and puking up the banana custard that has ever since ruled bananas out of my life. The smoothie revolution, needless to say, has passed me by.
3. Television. Before that, music and soft drugs. Before that, television.
4. 1973.
5. My boys' bedroom. It catches the most light in the flat and retains the most heat so it's the nicest room anyway. And their attitudes towards furnishing it, when I moved in after a reluctant break-up with their mother, was so positive and optimistic, those have been the watchwords ever since.
1. I really don't know any, but along with B-Mac and May, a certain shaving cream that I don't know the name of reminds me of my grandad (now 89 years old)
2. Tuna - canned tuna that is, not the fresh and delicious sushi kind. It makes me retch and I don't allow it in the house!
3. Listen to the radio/records and read books. Which ain't too different to now, when I get the flat to myself that is. I only use the internet to check email for a couple of minutes and 'spill, that's it!
4. That indefinable something different. Just something that I haven't quite heard before.
5. The living room. It's where the record player and sake is!
1. I do remember the perfume my wife wore in our early days, Anais Anais, was a very effective aphrodisiac. She later 'graduated' to Chanel No.5, which I can't help associate with elderly ladies. I should have seen the signs ....
2. The rot/waste thing is a common turn-off but it's strange how the pungent cauliflower smell of your own baby's nappy bucket is quite comforting. (Really?! - Ed)
3. I didn't get into the internet until I got out of the IT industry and so I used to spen most evenings goggling at the four available TV channels. Now we have scores to choose from, plus the various catch-up services, I find it relatively easy to keep on goggling.
4. As Japanther just said: 'That indefinable something different.' Is there an unusual rhythmic or harmonic thing going on? Are there more than three chords? Is there any flexibility in the music or is it probably always played exactly the same way? Is the structure out of the ordinary? Can they play? Eventually, I'll listen to the words...
5. Due to in-law health issues, I'm not living at home at the moment, so I'm quite missing 'my room' where others have to (almost) request permission to enter. But, as a space, the loft room we put in is the most interesting with its light and wooden beams.
Gah - here's my traditional 'errata' post: not the non-existent Brut hair oil (which Henry Cooper might not have been so keen to advertise) but BAY RUM.
1. Oh, oh I know this one, we've had it before. Is it FrogPrince's neck?
2. Guessing it might be FrogPrince's feet, but I'm probably wrong.
3. Writing my stupid comments by hand and mailing them was very time consuming.
4. Dunno, but I know when it doesn't have it.
5. All good except for Shoeteen #1's room; that is always a squalid atrocity.
1. Terre d'Hermès on me, whatever the object of my affection is wearing.
2. Poo maybe, or bums in the Tube. Or just the Tube maybe?
3. TV or maybe go out, but not that much, it took me a while to get used to pubs and drinking beer.
4. I've been wondering that myself
5. Whichever room is graced by my presence. Or the one that's playing music.
Guerlain's Mitsouko
I'm with May on bananas, the smell makes me ill. Not too keen on buddleia either
TV, two to three gigs a week, work
Open-minded so long as they do it well
My bedroom, one complete wall of books, except for the small space taken up by a flat screen tv and the miniCD speakers, superking-size bed, early morning sunshine
1) Absolute perfumephobe - passing through the cosmetics dept with samplers being sprayed left right & centre is a nightmare for me.
2) Frying liver - can't even stay in the same room as someone eating it.
3) Cleared up, put the laundry away, did the washing up. (Did I ever mention we now live in a pigsty?)
4) I'm with Steen on this one!
5) Whichever one is currently tidy enough to be accessible; it's only ever one at a time (cf.#3), sigh
1. debbym just took the words right out of my mouth. I don't know anything about the names of the perfumes/scents all around me and I hate having to go through the perfume department in order to get into any Department Store. I tend to hold my breath and rush through.
2. I once found myself in a large barn cleaning up 20,000 dead and decomposing chickens. That's a smell you don't forget in a hurry.
3. Played games on the computer. Before that (i.e. pre-1994) I played board games. On my own. Yes, I know!
4. A tune that I like.
5. My, er, 'office', where I am now. Well it's got my computers, a telly, hi-fi. Unfortunately I occasionally (very occasionally at the moment)have to actually work in it. Still, atleast that means I get to earn money to spend on new music or computer games.
So, do Outwitting Squirrels have a new album out, or what?
1 I don't use perfume myself but I did use to like the smell of Eau Sauvage, by Chanel (perhaps). My mother used a perfume (Blue Something - anyone know?) which I didn't and don't like but it reminds me so much of her that, well...
2 I was once driving along happily in my beloved Vauxhall Viva (the elegant shape, not the boxy one) when I suddenly smelled fruit cake. Hmm, I said to myself, fruit cake - that's odd...Then the axle seized. So, any smell that my car is making that it shouldn't be making.
3 I suppose I must've read books, watched telly and talked to people.
4 a) the tune and b) the words. Or vice versa. Or the story, if it's a Child ballad or that.
5 In daylight, my sunroom, because of the ace view. At night, the room that's got the computer in it. Of course from the sunroom at night you can see all the navigation lights, which I like.
1. The smell of the kitchen, either when I'm doing a winter stew, probably cooked in beer over several hours, or baking a chocolate cake.
2. Egg. Specifically mashed boiled egg or the slightly burnt omelette that my housemate has been known to start the day with.
3. I used to read more books.
4. "Will it drown out conversation when they play it live?"
5. The kitchen. I was once told that food is more about nurturing and caring than it is about giving you energy. Plus, it's where the kettle and the fridge are, thereby answering all of my liquid needs.
Blimey, this end of the week quiz just keeps getting earlier and earlier! I'm gonna wait 'till Friday when everyone's stopped reading the comments. That'll show you...
Hmmm, maybe we should rename it......poll anyone?
I wasn't sure when it was supposed t be. I thought it was early week 'cause end of week we are all too busy admiring my nominations. Sorry if I jumped the gun folks.
Not at all, the end of week is a bit buisy with RR topics, so mebbe we ahould have it earleri
You two just can't wait to stick a poll up, can you?
Did someone call a plumber?
How about 'EOTRRWQs'? I see the RR week as being different to the working week, operating broadly from about 9pm Thursday through to 10am the next Thursday. In between, we rest.
As such, Wednesday probably is a bit EOTW, isn't it?
Now without wishing to take all the fun away, I've noticed that not all of you have clocked in for this week. I have mentioned it before. Next thing you'll be setting up a union, and then where will we be?
@ snadfrod - oh, we're way beyond a Union here. Japanther's on hunger strike, I'm in the middle of a two week dirty protest, shoey's vowed not to use any numbers for a whole month and tincanman's threatening to give up the Peruvian noseflute. We mean business!
Never mind farting about re-designating when weeks begin and end: let's unfocus our collective rage completely and do away with the concept of Time itself! That'll teach whoever.
Sorry, did you say something? I was too busy double-checking my expenses claim ...
Clocks and calendars are just tools of THE MAN, man.
Down with time!
Power to the people!
All this revolutionary fervour is well and good. But it doesn't change the fact that I am MISSING FOUR TIMESHEETS FROM THE LAST RR WEEK.
Toffee, I'm looking at you. But only cos I can smell your protest from here.
You mean you actually check your expenses claims?!
As opposed to just chucking them in safe in the knowledge that if anything unethical or illegal turns up you can just say 'Whoops!' and that'll make it all alright.
Are you kidding? Rule #1 of the MPs GravyTrain manual tells me not to care about that; I was checking to make sure I'd claimed for everything ... Damn, I never got a receipt from Disney for that GoofyEars hat, which is of course to be used "wholly and exclusively for parliamentary business".
They are f**kin' scumbags, the lot of 'em, bring on the revolution (for which I now have an EXCELLENT playlist all prepared and loaded onto my Walkman)!
I have claimed £16,000 for a cleaner for The'Spill - is that wrong?
Oh, and £12,000 for flowers and chocolates...
Blimpy - if Toffee's protest carries on much longer, it'll be 16 grand well spent.
Ah, I've remembered Mother's perfume - it was Blue Grass. Like the music, but not the smell.
@ blimpey
Sorry for the delay getting back to you on this, but I was waiting for The Outwitting Squirrels' manager to get back to me. Apparently he was hibernating.
To answer your question, yes the band has their third self-titled debut album coming out soon.
treefrogdemon, I was gonna guess Blue Stratos, but I that was for men only wasnt it? Blimey, Blue Stratos...once smelled, never forgotten. Up there with Hai Karate and the great smell of Brut. I can remember christmases when just every one got at least one gift set of the above. Pooooooooohh!!!
Too funny! All of you!!
They've kept me grinning all day
1. Vanilla - oh my god that just turns me to jelly , but also flicks the switch that turns me on...oops
2.other people's sweat on public transport
3.Played backgammon obsessively when not watching shite TV - work avoidance so no marking got done!
4.Rhythm , BASS but catchy hooks - hate ROCk so not arsed about guitars.
5. Dining room - big window with lots of light, nice big table to spread paper out on , Computer in there to listen to Radio 4 , 5 . 6 and 7 and also play music and watch fillums / programmes on...
1. Vanilla - oh my god that just turns me to jelly , but also flicks the switch that turns me on...oops
2.other people's sweat on public transport
3.Played backgammon obsessively when not watching shite TV - work avoidance so no marking got done!
4.Rhythm , BASS but catchy hooks - hate ROCk so not arsed about guitars.
5. Dining room - big window with lots of light, nice big table to spread paper out on , Computer in there to listen to Radio 4 , 5 . 6 and 7 and also play music and watch fillums / programmes on...
Right, now that it is the end of the week and no one's reading anymore, here goes with the ToffeeBoy answers:
1. Nothing beats the spell of a baby's head. Seriously.
2. Mackerel.
3. Watched more telly I think.
4. A good melody.
5. Bedroom - night night.
I'm doing it next week (unless someone gets in before Wednesday).
Smell - not spell. Jeez...
1. Geoffrey Beene's Grey Flannel
2. Soemeone dumped a mix of decomposing dead chickens & chicken manure on the side of the railway track a couple of years ago, I passed it twice a day then, I still get sick thinking of that smell.....
3. Went to the pub, had a couple of pints, went home, read some books, listened to some music, not a bad life at all....
4. ...that certain je ne sais quoi....
5. My music/computer/reading room, followed closely by the kitchen.....
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