Sunday, May 31, 2009

Make Your Own Version


snadfrod said...

EJ - I could play with the Daft Punk one for hours on end but, sadly, have now been banned by a slightly cheesed off wife who was sick of me passing comment on things/ordering her around with it whilst she was cooking dinner.

"Work it."
"Do it."


As for the Arcade Fire one, it actually is really fascinating to be able to strip so layered a song away to its constituent parts. I felt rather like the producer on one of those Classic Albums shows. "And then, of course, this is where the viola hits a duff semi-quaver..."


ejaydee said...

Hihi, next time you're alone, use the caps lock on the Daft Punk keyboard. Also, when I posted the Cold War Kids, I just realised that every instrument has 3 different tracks, which makes it more interesting than it looks, unless you had already noticed of course.