The 'Pferd is ready for another spill post after an extended absence.. depending on the intentions of misters Toffeeboy and Snadfrod I can either take the GW Mclennan memorial road, or pop down the record store for an album of the week post...
The hippo's hooves are poised over the keyboard..
@nilpferd - go for it. I'm out all day and not back till late so I won't be doing anything McLennan wise today ...
will do.. I some comments for the tracks you dropboxed though, as I don't know a few of them.. I can add that in later though..
I need some comments, that should have been.. I think I need another coffee, too..
Nilpo - permission granted, I am only just back from a rather active family weekend, so shall heretofore try and book next week, if possible. You snooze you lose in this game, right?
Oops.. (Hippo caught inflagrante with Album of week, reclining in compromising position over the 'Spills chaise longue)
Snaddo, old thing- I can explain, really.. it's not what you think.. Snad!
Are you MAD?!
Stop- I..
(Shot rings out. Hippo slumps over chaise longue, squashing album of the week. A faint odour of swamp hangs over the scene)
Cut to: int. Snadfrod's Lounge. A stuffed hippo head hangs above the fire.
Snadfrod sips a tall gin and bitter lemon. Strokes impending album of the week nervously.
@ nilpferd - I added some comments to the rtf file you'd put in the dropbox at the same time as I uploaded the mp3s - it's all there ready to go ...
Righto- now, if I can just get my head down from above Snad's mantlepiece, I'll do that post..
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