I ventured into young Munday's bedroom this morning, in search of clean underwear, and was startled to find this chap astride the desk, looking for all the world as if he lived there.
"Good morning!" he said. "I'm Iron Man, I landed on your planet last night and I'm trying to find my Uncle Tinny. Do you know where he lives?"
"Well," I replied, "The Earth is a big place but by the law of co-incidence I do happen to know someone who might just be your esteemed relative. His name is Tincanman, and he is usually to be found tinkering with the Readers Recommend website or scattering largesse across the Overspill Blog."
"Where is this web-blog of which you speak?" asked the Iron Man.
"Well, if you come downstairs I can show you how to put out a message to him, using the latest Earth technology", I replied. "Just bring those socks with you, will you? That's right, the ones with pirates on ... do follow me".
So we clanked downstairs and Iron Man is now sitting beside me, eating my best saucepans and hoping to find his long lost relations.
(21st century schizoid men need not apply).
I love the robot. Did you and your son make it?
Hi Steenbeck - no, he made it at school as part of a class project on the Iron Man. It's great, but hard to know where to put it ...
Fave school project was when Shoegirl#2 had to make a model of a dam & we got to ask "How are you getting on with that dam project?" or "Have you finished that dam project yet?" & we got to ask her teacher "how did she do with the dam project?" & " Do you do the dam project every year" on open house night. Good times. Bad parents.
And I thought I was the only one who posted pissed . . .
Nah, my spilling goes to feck (hic).
That was funny, thanks.
One question. You said you ventured into young Munday's bedroom for clean underwear. Just an idea, but why not keep your clean underwear in your own room?
Thanks TCM, that's a good idea ...
tcm, at one house we had the airing cupboard was in Matt's room. One night I came in late and crept into his room to get clean underwear for the next day and found he'd done that early-teen-boy thing of getting bladdered while Mother was out...he was unconscious, lying on his back and he'd already been sick*. So my clean underwear saved him!
* vomited, transatlantic friends
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