By the time most of you read this, it will be all over. At the age of 13 years and 7 weeks, Buxton's cancerous jaw has stopped him eating anything but the gravy on his food, stopped him drinking altogether, caused him to lose over a quarter of his bodyweight in just over a month, and he has ceased any useful self-cleaning. That last straw means the now-permanent trail of dribble hanging from mouth to floor, which is increasingly blood-coloured, is matting up his chest and front legs, and he is just miserable. Not even today's glorious sun, cavorting birds, or the DsD family playing in the garden could persuade him to do anything other than curl up in a shady corner. I tried to groom him and he didn't want to know ...
... so when I get back in front of the PC on Monday lunchtime, tell me I did the right thing, because it bloody well doesn't feel like it at the moment.
So sorry, DsD. You did do the right thing - he was obviously suffering and with no prospect of getting better. It's a horrible decision but be glad that he had a good life with you all and a humane end. Sending virtual hugs to everyone.
Darce - too sad. Much too sad.
Lovely picture.
You couldn't let it suffer so you didn't really have a choice in the end.
So sorry, DsD. My, the 'Spill cats are going through a bad patch...Yes, of course it was the right thing.
D, it sounds like you would have been irresponsible to do anything else. It sounds like something you should not prolong.
So sorry for you, take care.
Donds for what everyone said ^^^ - very very sorry to hear about Buxton.
All I can do is echoe everyone else; once their quality of life becomes that bad, it's your duty as an owner to step in. There was a poem to that effect posted up in a vet I used to visit in Wales, and it used to push me to the edge of tears every time - mainly because I was usually there with Boris, a fabulously sweet-natured cat who had serious congenital problems and spent most of his relatively short life throwing up at least once a day, and was clearly never going to be with us for very long - but it was absolutely right. Commiserations to you all.
SO sorry to hear about Buxton, like everyone else here, I don't think there's a question you did the right thing.
It's a horrible decision to have to make but you know it's the right one when a cat is that unhappy with life. Hugs and commiserations to all the family.
I had to do the same thing a couple of weeks ago and I still have the memory just behind a door I haven't managed to shut yet. My cat was just old and, as difficult as it was, I know I did the right thing. To have a cat that is suffering as yours obviously was makes the intellectual decision easier. You really had no choice.
I wish I lived in a world where I felt I could get the same personal service at the appropriate time.
Darce, you did the right thing. From what you describe Buxton was in a lot of pain. You couldn't let that happen. Hugs to you and your family.
Yes, the right thing and a brave thing to do. I remember webcore's strong hints a few weeks ago, and thought at the time he was giving good advice.
It's time to grieve and remember better times, not to worry about the decision you had to make. xx
DsD, I am so sorry for you.
You did the right thing. Pets are there to be loved, but also to be respected and treated with dignity.
It's hard, I know, but leaving a loved pet to suffer is just WRONG. It was a kindness to let the suffering stop. There is a hole in your life, but just remember the happy times.
Last week, my ex had one of her (formerly our) cats put to sleep. He was 18 and he couldn't hardly walk any more and was going blind and was incontinent. I remember him as a lovely big strong chap. That's the memory I'll keep.
You should do the same withBuxton.
I'm crying now, so I'll stop writing and go and cuddle the dogs.
Big hugs to you and yours mate.
It has all been said above.. but you've done the right thing.
As above, off to go cuddle our seriously grumpy puss, whether she wants it (she doesn't) or not. Love to you all xxx
Yep, tough decision but the right one and I know you've been mulling it over for a while now.
....mind you , I won't feel so nervous whenever I visit your house now. Buxton was a feisty bugger in his youth and I've probably still got the scars somewhere!
Sorry to hear about Buxton. But putting him at peace is the best thing. I love cats and this is very sad.
So sorry to hear that, DsD, but, as everyone has said, you've undoubtedly done the right thing.
What a beautiful piece of music too; I really enjoyed listening to that and would love to know what it is.
Now I suggest putting on The Lovecats very loud and celebrating having had such a fine feline friend.
Best wishes. x
@ Balearic - The music is Dakota Suite's Brittle With Sorrow.
I've no idea what (if anything) you know about Dakota Suite, but they were my choice when it was DsD's turn for Album Of The Week.
Have you got yourself into our DropBox yet? If so, let me know and I'll re-box Alone With Everybody briefly so you can have a listen.
@ EVERYONE - Thanks for all your good wishes. I cuddled whilst vet injected, and Buxton just rolled over and out very calmly. DarceysMam's had a bit of a cleaning blitz, and now the house feels really weird - doors left open that were kept shut; gaps where scratching posts, cushions, food bowls aren't ...
@ Mnemonic - I've still got my fingers crossed for you. Buxton, after Shiv & webcore's losses, makes three. If there's any truth in the adage, that's the lot, and Zissou is still on some sort of adventure.
Did you name him after the beautiful home of Derbyshire's own drinking water? it's an unusual name and i presume you did...great name whether you did or not!
Did you name him after the beautiful home of Derbyshire's own drinking water? it's an unusual name and i presume you did...great name whether you did or not!
@ DsD - glad it went as well as could be expected. And Dakota Suite is an excellent choice of music considering that Chris Hooson will also be in mourning today ...
Darce: Sad day, I know how it feels.
We had a cat, Biko, with similar coloring to Buxton, he was about 16+ years old. He started not eating, we tempted him with special meals every day and still wouldn't eat, he rapidly went downhill. We took him to the vet who said 'he's very dehydrated, you need to get some liquid into him' so I bought a syringe and started cuddling him and slipping the nozzle into the side of his jaw but he rejected it and water dribbled all down his chest. Since he wasn't eating either I tried giving him liquid baby food the same way with the same results, after a couple of weeks I gave up and we made him as comfortable as possible and he died naturally on his cushion. I realised that he knew what was happening and that I only intruded and made it more uncomfortable for him than was necessary, I should not have interfered. He died of old age, a lovely cat.
@ gremlin - Buxton was so named partly because of DsMam's home town (DsGran still lives in the house my wife was born in), and partly because of the synchronicity between my love for the attached programme and our then newborn kitten's colour ...
[if you want to cut to the chase, go to exactly 6mins in]
I didn't know anything at all about Dakota Suite, I'm ashamed to say, but I'd love to hear more. I am in the dropbox and would appreciate it, DsD. Cheers.
@ BaBe - Dakota Suite's Alone With Everybody (an early-in-career compilation of demos and singles à la Hatful Of Hollow) now back in Dropbox until Thursday eve.
Be warned: if you choose to contact them - it is worth it - DS mainman Chris Hooson is a MASSIVE Everton fan, and firmly in the camp of absolutely hating any team that plays in red. Say nowt, alright?!
Sorry, should have said Alone With Everybody on its way into the DropBox. Not there yet; slow transfer night by the look of it. You're waiting for 15 tracks to appear.
A belated chin-up from a non-cat-lover; you've lost a family member, and although everyone will adjust in time things'll always be just a little bit different. You did right.
On a moment of low comedy: I once had to scatter the ashes of our old family dog (supplied from the vet in a plaggy bag with a couple of strategically-placed bits of bone sticking out of the cinders) up on Woodbury Common in Devon - other family members overwhelmed with emotion etc. Of course I forgot to factor in the wind direction, so a large ashy cloud enveloped me and my previously-black jacket turned grey. I never got all the remains of Huck (Hound) out of the seams, bits of him are probably still in a charity shop near you...
(DsD, I've seen a couple of threads - including this one - where you've cited comments that I hadn't actually made. As a few of you know my real name is Chris, but it's not me posting under that name. I admire his/her style, though...)
Well thank you, kind Shiv, and I am in awe at your main RR posts demonstrating your vast musical knowledge.
I didn't like to point out DsD's mistake in a blog like this but, you're right, it's not the first time...
And DsD, unless you found some miracle protector and/or DsM did an industrial-strength clean, you will probably find several hundred illegal immigrants, unwittingly imported by Buxton, start to jump up in search of a meal. It's a little disturbing and, when visitors turn up, a mite embarrassing.
@ Chris & um, Chris: Oh, er, oops!
[Shuffles feet, averts eyes and goes rather red-faced]
Sorry, gents, it won't happen again.
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