Sunday, May 10, 2009

Embarrassing childhood photos (2)

Like mother like son - double trouble, in Great Grandfather's waistcoat (for Treefrogdemon)


treefrogdemon said...

Yo ho ho!

steenbeck said...

He's bee-a-uuu-ti full, AliMunday. I was just imagining if we got your lovely 6 yr ld and my lovely 6 yr old together....You know, the initial shyness, the inevitable joined jokes and games... Then we'll add Mara and Ejaydee's Nephew and Jess and tess, and....

Could be a good time!

AliMunday said...

We could start a Junior Readers Recommend / trans global penfriend scheme? All we need is a few games on the site and they'll be chatting away to each other in no time!