Monday, May 18, 2009

Favourite fictional hang-outs

As I'm staying in for my birthday today, here are a few places where it might be good to be, if only they were real.

SMOKEY JOE'S CAFE is a Lieber & Stoller song recorded by The Robins, two of whom joined The Coasters, which L&S tried to say was more or less a name-change... It resembles their song 'Young Blood', in that the innocent but romantically aroused protagonist meets a threatening deep-voiced character during the middle 8. Bobby Nunn was (I think) the bass singer who crescendos in his profoundly menacing register, leading the tenor to vow that he'll eat his chilli beans elsewhere in future.

DANNY'S ALL-STAR JOINT sounds like the best club ever. After a bowl of beans at Smokey Joe's, avoiding any advances from the owner's lady, I'd head over here.

MEET ME AT MARY'S PLACE is Sam Cooke at his swingingest. In real life I'd probably be ready for bed after a bottle of wine and the second set from the band at Danny's, but in my pretend world there'd be a house party just getting going here...


AliMunday said...

I always thought the Twilight Cafe sounded good - where the beat is strong, strong, strong:

(Susan Fassbender)

DarceysDad said...

Ah, Susan Fassbender.

There's a sad memory ...

InMemoriamDonds to Twilight Cafe, Ali.

BalearicBeat said...

Happy Birthday, DaddyPig!

The bestest Birthday song (and my favourite ever remix of an already great record) to you...

sourpus said...

Happy birthday there. And to your most excellent list, I would add a couple of places I would very much like to have been able to visit, as introduced to me by American Music Club

- Royal Cafe
- The Room above the Club

Definitely two places where I would like to have smelled the barmaid's apron.

ToffeeBoy said...

A very belated Happy Birthday from me too!

I think I would have enjoyed a cup of something at Alice's Restaurant.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for greetings, excellent suggestions & links. I've been working late tonight using the mixed blessing of web access to my work server, so I've not listened to anything yet...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ali for Twilight Cafe, that passed me by at the time, but another good place to go. Balearic, the link seems to be "Sad Sweet Dreamer" so you might be mixed up with the SpilloVision post. Although there are more & more "things you put down to experience" every passing year...

Sourpus, I know nowt about American Music Club, but any handy links or posts re. those places and I will have a listen.. I'll try your video link above another time soon.