Saturday, January 19, 2008

Martin Luther King Day

Well, it's Martin Luther King day tomorrow, here in America. Malcolm has the day off, and it's a hard thing to explain to a 5-year-old. I asked what he learned about it at school, and he mentioned a few things, and then he said, "I don't know why they killed him."

I was looking for The King of Love is Dead, but couldn't find a clip. These are pretty powerful, though...


Blimpy said...

Is it a day off because it's MLK day? Or is that a coincidence?

steenbeck said...

Oops, it's Monday he has off, got my days confused. And, yeah, it's because it's MLK day. People get off work as well.

Blimpy said...

Hmmm, odd logic there - wouldn't the day be better spent in school, in the library, reading about MLK and why he's so important?

treefrogdemon said...

"he freed a lot of people, but they say the good die young" - Abraham, Martin and John

ejaydee said...

I agree Blimpy, and I'm not even sure Black History Month (which starts with MLK Day more or less) is effective, since I've found that white Americans I've spoken to "switch off" in school when the subject comes up, as if it didn't really concern them.
In France the 11th November is off, yet many children forget why, although I'm not sure many British kids know what Remembrance Day is exactly about.