Nilp: It's call true, hands up all you others who're as good as me.
@ Abahachi - gorgeous - stunningly gorgeous...
Are we gonna have some kind of award ceremony for Bon Iver? Engraved plaque? Carriage clock?
So far, stunned by Abahachi's and Shoey's. I'll be buying these. Taking a break now to go and cook dinner.
@ shoegazer - what a fantastic idea this was. As a away of putting something back in, perhaps we should all commit to buying at least one album from each list - for me it would have to be Darce's Sigur Ros from the number 3s and whatever Abahachi's track is on this list.
I'm sure it's just me being thick [No, surely not. Ed.] but some of you seem to have some sort of trick up your sleeves which enables you to find out what the tracks are - someone mentioned a pop up? - I'm stumped but I'd particularly love to know what tincanman's contribution was here...
Toffee, right hand click and "save link as" to a directory you have chosen or created for the purpose. I have an RR directory and now two subfolders for the Festive Fifty. Once downloaded, open file and it will miraculously copy itself into your iTunes library with all details displayed. I haven't opened any of Set 2 yet but I already own five of Set 3.
@ Mnemonic - you're a genius. Thanks a million - I am now listening to the Marcin Wasilewski Trio, apparently...
Pretty impressed with Sabeshane's too.
Abahachi, have you ever heard Joshua Redmond's version of "How Come You DOn't Call Me Anymore?". It's rather fine.
Oops, Redman, not Redmond
Shoey, how many doubles did you have to reject? It wouyld be a good indicator of the variety of our musical tastes.
we could gold spray paint (would've gold plated it.. but time are hard) Bon Ivers shed.
The Winners Enclosure.
Why am I only getting 2 secs of Shoey's (and the file is only 9KB?!?!)
DsD, sometimes happens - just download it again and copy over first file
A million thanks to Shoey - especially since the effort is keeping him up till stupid o'clock every night!
A wonderfully eclectic mix again. Can't wait for the no. 1s!
We all know each other's general tastes by now, and most of the 2s are true to form.
I haven't listened to them all - not least 'cos I fell into a trance with Japanther's offering - in a nice way. Interesting that you can't judge a song by the first few seconds, tho' I love the one's that start with a bang. But saneshane takes that to the limit with the gun. Such a lovely song, with such dark lyrics. Love the deep breaths, too. Fantastic.
Dig the high octane Tilly & the Wall, and the chill out of Diamonds & Pearls. Interesting to see how many subs last.fm hasn't even heard of too - including Unbending trees and The Aliens. DSD keeps up his reputation for thrash rock.
@saneshane - sorry to miss you at the weekend, but understand the combination of family duties and a hangover. I've had to drink all the ale meself. Hic. Maybe next time.
@toffeeboy - I understand the sentiment, but since I got sucked into the 'spill, my purchasing has gone exponential, and I have 10 of the first two lists. But it's the rest that interest me. As they say, so many songs, so little time...
Not sure how much of this was all released in 2008, but, hey, who cares...
I see Bon Iver is only ahead of Feist & Solange by a short head.
Thanks, Mn. Sorted now, and I'm about halfway through. Boxstr & my PC are being awkward with each other again though, so a playback will have to wait until I've d/l-ed the lot and can play it in Media Player.
btw, that TV went back and I raised merry hell in the shop - about 2/3 of the browser-shoppers in there left ... result! (Bet you didn't think I was that nasty, did you?)
It's all very interesting but a bit disappointing that quite a few people don't have any thing from 2008: i had to wrack my brain to come up with 3 but got there - if it was just 3 tunes from any old year , it would have been different...
Okay, I'm back from my anniversary supper, and will now attempt the number 2s!!
Hopefully I WON'T FALL INTO A red wine induced coma (currently hinted at by ad hoc Caps lock) before hearing them alll out.
In other current mews: Why on earth is Mewsli systematically pawing all the decorations off the tree, I ask you?
Nice call on the Tegan and Sara - i thought they'd dropped off the radar. I think I have their first album.
There's a lot of stuff around this year that sounds like Cyndi Lauper - Ladyhawke, Santogold, Tegan and Sara, MIA, The Hold Steady. I refer Spillers to the post i did about this earlier in the year.
I think it is interesting that some people who obviously love music.. can't find- or didn't want to buy any music in 2008..
and you wonder if they'll find stuff they want to explore in this...
as for wracking brains.. I narrowed it down to 181 tracks in the end that I loved this year (and had digitised)... but I'm easy, went for the more electronic side but it seems to be out in force so far.... the zeitgeist is synth it seems.
the zeitgeist is Cyndi then Blimpy
happy anniversary.
Shoey- sweet stuff.
Blimpy - good tune. The female vocals that kick in for the last third are amazing. I love the tongue in cheek angle mixed with the real feelings. Duality, yeah? Cool. Keep listening to "downbeat shite". There is no shame.
Proudfoot - Yes! Let's party like it's 2002! Dig it the most! Up the Albion! Not heard this before, it's very
I got the impression from the 3s that the zeit was distinctly 80s in vibe. I think (if we did do the album points thang - which we totally should) that Neon Neon would be fighting a bloody bruising battle with Bon Iver for the top spot.
Abahachi - lovely song - familar refrain?
I had assumed that the songs that aren't from 2008 were at least discovered during the past year. Strangely, at the moment I think I'm preferring the 3s to the 2s. Maybe it's because I didn't do it in one go.
Darce - i think all us spillers are going to club together and get you a mac mini.......(which can be done for £6.25 each if all 62 registered spillers dig deep)
RIGHT - I NEED MY SCRATCHER! beddyways is bestyways - i'll get the rest soon.
What a brill way to end the year in music!
@ Blimpy - Abahachi's choice is a cover of Prince's tune. 'Tis indeed lovely. Oh, and be nice to your postie tomorrow ... ;o)
shane - thank you!
@darce - oh rhhhhyyylly? intrigueD!!
All three of mine were from 2008 releases, even if one of them was from a band I've been a fan of for more than a quarter of a century (yikes!)
I'd definitely suggest an end-of-year album poll, though I wonder if any of my best of 2008 would get votes from anyone else here.
@ gremlin
Isn't Wir sind Helden/KAPUTT from 2007??!
PLEASE don't be grouchy, this is So Much Fun (at least from where I'm sitting)
@debbym - wasn't being really grouchy, some tracks sounded well old (though I can't put my finger on when...) which seems to lack imagination / access to new stuff...don't get me wrong i'm no "down with the kids" type-dad...you're right Kaputt by WSH was from Nov 2007 but in his original spiel Shoey said 2008 or very late 2007 which i recks Nov is...! Anyway it's a great thing der Schuhmann has done and i am enjoying it very much... if only i could find out what the tracks are?
One of mine could be called cheating because it hasn't been released yet in the UK, although there are reasonably priced imports on Amazon. I bought it at a gig and have the artist's permission to upload it here.
just over halfway through and haven't heard a dud yet, all great, and absolutely love:
- Blimpy's - is the album as good? I'Ve got "A Brighter Beat" from a couple of years ago
- Abahachi's - is that really a cover of Prince??Beautiful.
- Saneshane's - Dark AND beautiful - the perfect combination!
- May 1366 - i'm sure that "American Boy" was on the radio every 10 minutes over there, but it got relatively little exposure in Japan, what a great song, and everything pop music should be
- Glasshalfempty's.....I could go on...
....I think this may well be THE most eclectic end of year critics list put together anywhere in the world!!!
I am enjoying this, that one of Nilpferd's is pretty amazing stuff. What is it?
That's Cannonball Adderley, Carole. I forgot the name of the song though, probably Aries.
Fantastic selection; Abahachi's "Diamonds and Pearls" is a gem, excuse the pun, absolutely lovely and that ominous piece from Japanther is great too.
Delighted that people like the Marcin Wasilewksi Trio; both their albums are fabulous moody piano trio jazz, nothing especially fancy but some interesting song choices and some brilliant playing (especially the drummer). They've also been Tomasz Stanko's band for his last three albums, which is how I heard of them in the first place.
On the basis of Japanther's track, and the one he posted before, I'm now all set to become completely hooked on Pocahaunted - except that, in so far as I can make any sense at all out of their arty but rather opaque website, all their music seems to be on vinyl and sold out. Any suggestions? Any sign of a cd in the future?
Thanks for the info.
The only Cannonball Adderley music I know is the stuff he did with Miles, like "KInda Blue" and "Something Else".
@gremlin: mine are all cheats, not that I haven't bought any records in 2008, but none of them were 2008 music. But all mine are Spill-RR related. Shoey said it was OK!
glad people are enjoying Pocahaunted - sorry I picked such a long track!
Yes- most of their stuff is on limited vinyl (part of the appeal for me!) but there are a couple of CD's that should be available. There is a split 2CD with Robedoor called "Hunted Gathering" (which I don't have, so can't vouch for, but I haven't heard a bad track yet from them!) and there is also a CD version of their "Island Diamonds" album too.
These should be available from Amazon or someplace like that....possibly...
Re: Bon Iver. I wasn't convinced by him at first, but i'm slowly coming round after giving these tracks a couple of listens.
- really liked The Unbending Tree too...
Woo hoo!! My tracks have been added in!! Shoey you are a gent and a star, thankyou.
Now go listen back to them all of you, ok?
Loving a great many of these so far and cursing myself that I forgot DsD's song which is a tune of the highest order. Plus Tilly and the Wall is a great shout.
Anyway, I'm only just in the door and the mother-in-law is looking at me funny so I'd better leave proper listening to later on. There's washing to do, fergodssake...
god you gotta love The Streets, innit?
and why haven't i got the Aliens LP yet? I even saw them play this year. Bonkers.
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