Friday, December 26, 2008

RIP Harold Pinter

The death of Harold Pinter was announced yesterday. Undoubtedly one of the most important literary figures of the 20th Century his loss deprives the English speaking world of one of its most powerful and distinctive voices. The Dumb Waiter is as near to perfection as it is possible for a play to be.

I, for one, will be having a dot dot dot, a pause, a long pause and a silence in his honour.


goneforeign said...

Everyone here should go over to the G. and find his Nobel prize acceptance speech, print it and nail it on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Did you 'Spill my Pinter? (sorry - where's me coat).

glasshalfempty said...

Not to take away from Pinter, but sad to see Eartha Kitt go too. And only yesterday I was singing Old Fashioned Girl to myself...

Blimpy said...

RIP for Pinter and Kitt.

In music terms, Nick Cave named his 2nd band after Pinter, and the Manics namechecked him in one of their best songs.

Also, his politics were pretty much impeccable from where I'm sitting.

May1366 said...

They've let Pinter die....

the bastards!

Luke-sensei said...

read the acceptance speech earlier....powerful stuff and spot on in just about everything

Luke-sensei said...

read the acceptance speech earlier....powerful stuff and spot on in just about everything

goneforeign said...

We seem to be of one mind here.

sourpus said...

'No Man's Land' was my first taste of Pinter's work, via provincial theatre in my teens. Quite unforgettable. RIP

ToffeeBoy said...

It does make you wonder how long they waited before declaring him dead...

RIP, Mr Pinter.

ToffeeBoy said...

Pronouncing him dead was of course the phrase I was looking for...