Monday, December 22, 2008

Shameful Neglect Of Fine Fife Folkie

Pondering mine and others end of year round ups, it's become painfully aware that there were a ton of good records that I never got around to getting, for one reason or other, and consequently they've missed out of my end of year lists. 

James Yorkston's LP is one of those. Even though I wrote about him back in September in the still-inexplicably-popular and much searched for post Songs about Scottish Sea Mist. 
I never managed to seek out the record; so I now need to right this wrong. 
Unfortunately I'm in bed ill, so here's another fab track from him, and I'll resolve to catch up with 2008 before too much good stuff in 2009 kicks in:


goneforeign said...

El Blimpo: You just prompted me to go back and re-read the 'songs of Scottish Sea Mist' post, one of the best, it should still be running.

Blimpy said...

Why thank you - I've just been reading our figures for the blog, and your post about "the world's best medium sized dog" is still lodged in the top ten of most read posts.

I loved all the comments on the sea mist post too.

Our readership numbers are way up (again!) by the way! We now have 5,478 UNIQUE readers of the Spill every month!

TracyK said...

The James Yorkston track is the one which has made me choose When The Haar... as my pick of others' recommendations. Have a lot of his earlier stuff and it was me who got 6:30 Is Way Too Early into one of Dorian's lists, so I know I'll like it. Loving this one too!

ToffeeBoy said...

@ blimpy - 5,478? That's scary - I thought it was just you, me and a few dozen other reprobates...