Dear 'Spillers,
Faced with the 65,000 titles available on Lovefilm.com - we're struggling to find anything good to put on our rental list.
We would like a film that isn't too harsh or serious or gory or nasty in any way.
We don't want anything too cheesy, hollywood or slushy.
No car chases, suitcases of money or guns.
No Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise or Tom Selleck.
No singing, sci-fi or gangsters.
Many thanks,
Mr & Mrs McFlah.
('Spill points on offer for the name of the film in the still above, and points for recommendations that go on our Lovefilm rental list.)
Forgive this unusual first entry but I’m making hay while my internet connection nearly shines. My favourite film is ‘Living In Oblivion’, the only good film directed by Tom DiCillo. Starring Steve Buscemi, it’s the tale of making an indie film, and about the dreams that enter into that process. But it’s also very funny and clever and surprising. The best Christine Keener performance, too, IMHO.
And the film name is given away a bit by the filename of the still, Blimpy: daily.greencine.com/archives/randal-clerks.jpg. Clerks One, I suppose? And if you like that and haven’t seen LIO, I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.
Hi Chris - I LOVE Living In Oblivion - such a brilliant film, petulant dwarf and all. I used to watch it all the time when I worked on a lot of short films - it all rings so true!
A little different approach, but both suggestions meet all your criteria.
The 7 Horatio Hornblower indie dramas made for A&E in the U.S. in the late 90's and early 80's (also aired by ITV in England). Does a historical sea drama set in the Napoleonic Wars sound boring? It's not, not in this series and not by a long shot. Some war scenes of course, but its mostly about the characters.
Without A Trace, the best U.S. TV 'whodunnit' drama. One of a kind. Get the box set and you'll find yourself watching 2 or 3 a night for the next few weeks/months. Irresitible, especially the one about the .....
You're familiar with Ozu? If not, try Toyko Story and Late Spring.
I'm sure it's equally superfluous mentioning early Hal Hartley, as well as Resnais- Mrwormold from GU's clip joint recommended "Last year in Marienbad" recently, which we enjoyed immensely.
If you need a few laughs, join in with the Parisians who are currently running a Tati retrospective, or revisit Keaton.
I'm keen to see Steenbecks contribution, as we are also in a bit of a rut currently choosing films from our local..
This is a blatant attempt at getting the most number of comments on a post on the 'Spill ever, isn't it? How about some parameters? I mean, we could easily have a weekly feature - Readers Recommend Films About Angels, Zombies and all points in between. At any rate I assume that we should take it for granted that you've seen all the obvious things, or should we also consider recommending classics like, I dunno, The Philadelphia Story or The Maltese Falcon?
In case this does degenerate into a free-for-all, my key suggestion is Goodbye Lenin. Plot summary: Berlin, end of the 1980s, hero's mother has heart attack and goes into a coma, and doesn't wake up until after the Wall has fallen; he's told that any shock might kill her, so desperately attempts to recreate old DDR life in the apartment and to block out the rapidly changing world outside. Brilliantly acted, with the young Daniel Bruehl and the fantastic Katrin Sass as the mother; can be enjoyed just as a farce, or as a lovely portrait of family relationships, or as a take on a dramatic bit of history. Some critics accused it of 'ostalgie', sanitising the memory of the DDR; I would say that, on the contrary, despite the comic tone it's actually a brilliant critique of the old system, as young Alex - for all the best intentions - ends up recreating the Stasi state not only in the apartment's decor and the crap food, but in the lies, fake news reports, control and surveillance.
Brilliant, brilliant film; German films have been getting quite a lot of publicity lately, and I'd happily recommend The Lives of Others and a load of others, but this one was just ahead of that. One of the relatively few films that Mrs Abahachi and I agree wholeheartedly on, if that helps.
If you're up for trying something new, you might have a look at Jinni (http://www.jinni.com) where you can actually look for a movie that's "thought-provoking" or "uplifting" or about "culture clash"; whatever fits your mood.
OK, then, you’re obviously a couple who has explored much of the Guardian reader’s standard film library so, in addition to Hal Hartley, we can also cross Linklater, Lynch, the Coens, Herzog, Cronenberg, Scorsese, Coppola, Jarmusch, Almodovar, Mike Leigh, Kurosawa, Altman, Loach, Kubrick and all Johnny Depp films off the list. Starts to make it tricky.
Lynne Ramsay’s Ratcatcher or Morvern Callar? Dahl’s The Last Seduction? The Station Agent? Gone, Baby, Gone?
I assume you’ve seen The Wire? I thought The Sopranos was the best TV ever, but The Wire is actually better. But there are gangsters, suitcases of money and guns. And nastiness of various kinds.
If you'll permit me a little slide into sci-fi territory, I suggest a two-film triple bill.
Watch the first X-Men film, then watch Mystery Men (Tom Waits alert, steenbeck!), then watch X-Men again. It'll only cost you two discs, but it's like watching three films, because you treat Jackman, Stewart, Barry etc COMPLETELY differently after watching the genius affectionate send up with Macy, Stiller et al.
Koyaanisqatsi. Neatly sidesteps every single one of your obstacles, methinks.
The best new film I've seen in recent years is Little Miss Sunshine. If you want feel-good (and you love music - which I think you do) then try Once - there is singing but it's integral to the plot and not at all gratuitous.
Have you noticed that even my film choices are 'pop'?
Love this audience except you've pinched all my titles already.
A note for Nilp: Back in the 70's I taught a class called 'The Film and the Novel', we read a novel and saw the film each week, it was a classroom with a 16mm projector at the back. One of the films was Marienbad; after the film when everyone was leaving the projectionist told me that he'd inadvertently showed the reels in the order 1-3-2-4, it was too late to do anything about it so I made that the basis of our next class discussion, no-one had noticed it!. The 60-70's was a wonderful time for film, it was totally different than today, perhaps analogous to today's pop music scene, we savored every film and awaited the next one, there was a large repertoire of international directors who we'd appreciate far beyond the way film's treated today. They included Fellini, Godard, Bergman, Resnais, Visconti, Antonioni, Bunuel, Kurosawa plus a large cast of US and UK directors. If you need titles for your list pick anything by any of those, they're all interesting. I've also enjoyed Woody Allen and Coppola and seen everything they've made, I'd add them to the list plus Almodovar, I became obsessive about seeing everything he's made, a wonderful director with a unique vision.
This week I watched 4 Months, 3 weeks and 2 days, a recent Romanian film, very depressing, I wouldn't nominate it to the list.
Definite donds to Chris for The Wire, best TV ever, followed closely by The Sopranos and a huge dond to DsD for Koyaanisqatsi, I'd add the other two of the trilogy also, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi; all by Reggio, all scored by Phillip Glass and shot by Ron Fricke, I used the first one many times in class as an example of a unique vision.
There's another couple of films from last year that I thought were very good (and fit the restrictions imposed): 'I've Loved You So Long' and 'The Visitor'. I'm sure they're available on DVD now.
I assume you saw 'I'm Not There'. If not, it's a curious but intriguing impression of His Bobness. Worth a look.
(My internet service is almost usable today, so I'm giving it some welly.)
Face from last year was In Bruges - should have won the Oscar for best swearing. But it's a gangster film and there is graphic pavement pizza scene, so it doesn't fit Blimpy's impossible criteria.
How about The Pink Panther movie with the "Minky" scene. Saw the 1st one the other week & it was awful- so not that one. Been trying to find the old St. Trinians movies for the girls (even though there is much eye-rolling if we watch anything pre-1990's).
Diva is an all-time fave, but it's another gangster film with opera - so 2 Blimpy black marks. But it does have that amazing jigsaw puzzle & advice on how to make a sandwich.
Two classics that you have to be brain dead and bereft of all humanity not to love. They come with an FP guarantee of enjoyment :
Cinema Paradiso by Giuseppe Tornatore whom I've met and is an ace bloke and...
Il Postino - The Postman by Michael Radford.
Extra Spill points for the common denominator between these two films.
And Blimpy I really think anything by Michel Gondry or with Charlie Kaufman involved - I'd bet large sums of money that you'll love:
- Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
- Be kind rewind (A MUST)
- The Science of Dreams
- Adaptation
oh and
Being John Malkovitch as well. I think that's Spike Jonez. All wonderful.
1. One Spill point for Chris for naming the film
2. Tinny - I can't really rent any series cos they only send me one disc at a time, and only 2 per month
3. nilp - I'm not familiar with Ozu. Will check it out
4. Abahachi - classics are fine! And Goodbye Lenin is one of my favourite films ever, so that's on the right track. Although Mrs McF refuses to watch it, for reasons unknown. Is The Lives Of Others heavy going?
5. Phoebe - thanks for the ad for your new website - I couldn't find the search window on your landing page to test it out. It sounds like a good idea, like Last FM but for films.
6. Chris - re yr second suggestion - you are scarily spot on, are all Guardian readers that predictable? Morvern Callar is a great film, I watched it about a month ago, so mebbe I should go for Ratcatcher (indeed we dismissed it last night as being too hard going). I have watched all of the Wire and loved it, but this would compromise Mrs McF's "No Guns rule". The other films you mentioned have gone on the list to be checked through.
7. Darce - NO SCI-FI!!!! (not my rule, btw, I like a bit o' sci-fi)
8. Regards the Quatsis, Mrs McF wanted to put a "No no-plot films" clause in, but I vetoed it cos I like Linklater and Korine films for example. She needs a strong plot.
I'm struggling with the book version of Koyaanisquatsi at present. The chapter where 4,000 people go up the escalator is particularly hard going.
9 Toffeeboy- We have seen and liked Little Miss Sunshine, had it not been on telly a few weeks ago, that would have been a nigh on perfect suggestion. NO SINGING THOUGH!
10 GoneForeign - I have recently watched nearly all of Woody Allen's films, about 30 or so this year!
11. Shoey - no gore please! And certainly no opera/gangster crossover!
12. FP - your suggestions are excellent but we've seen ALL those films, and some of them repeatedly.
13. I should say, that it's very difficult to find a film that both of us will really love, so here's a couple of pointers to films that would fit that already have the rare double McF seal of approval and fit the criteria:
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
When Harry Met Sally
Withnail and I.
14. Here are the films so far that I'm going to run past The Filter.
the last seduction
the station agent
gone baby gone
i've loved you so long
i'm not there
tokyo story
late spring
the lives of otters (i like nature documentaries, that Grizzly Man one was excellent)
15. Are there many films that you Spillers and yr t'other halves both agree on?
Cheers Blimpy, there was a third Ozu- I think it was Late Autumn- which was part of a loose trilogy available down at our local arthouse rental- nicely named Filmgalerie 451. Beautiful films, very warm and finely judged.
We actually agree on nearly everything we watch- can't think of a film one of us has loved and the other hated. Perhaps one of those meandering Angelopolous epics, and I didn't last the whole of Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev, Sandra had more stamina for both.
Blimpy, I am giving this a great deal of thought. I'll try to come up with a list. I don't like gory/gangster films, either, so I'm very surprised how hard it is to find a film without a gun in it...Hmmm.
steen - I can be flexible on guns a wee bit, cos there's that scene in Withnail and I where Withnail is in the river trying to shoot the salmon. We don't want a film where the gun is the main character, if you see what I mean.
Phone booth?
It has a gun, but it's not central
After Mrs Tin read P.S. I Love You she made me get and watch the movie with her. It's good if you want an evening discussing how such a good story just missed working on screen. (casting, in my opinion). [And yes it is a chick flick. Anyone wanna make something of it?]
I thought No Country For Old Men was worth the hype, although it does have some violence in it.
Blimpey if you email me a mailing address something might (horn)Blow your way.
I know you just said you can't watch tv series, but for some reason I can't get this out of my mind. Now what could it be that keeps reminding me of it?
Oh, and I think David and I almost always like the same films, and I always like them better after we discuss them. Maybe he likes Clint Eastwood westerns more than I do, but I do see their appeal. We mostly like the same music, too. I can't imagine it any other way.
ANd if guns are okay a little bit, I just watched Le Samourai based on a Clip Jointer's, um, clip, and I really enjoyed it. It's a gangster film, but an unusual one. It has Alain Delon, who is the cover star of The Queen is Dead, and it's set in Paris in the 60s, so if all else fails, you can enjoy all the cool cars.
We've been watching some older films lately. We saw Sullivan's Travels, written and directed by Preston Sturges, with Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake, who are both adorable. It's funny and sassy in a way you might not expect an older movie to be.
Central Station is a good one--I don't think there are any guns.
Have you seen Jarmusch? Because I think you'd really like him, especially Mystery Train and Down By Law, which are quirky portraits of Nashville and New Orleans, respectively.
I've thought of a lot of others, but I"ll have to get back to it later.
Harold lloyd, Buster keaton, marx brothers...
or if you're wanting something more modern, most things with Steve Buscemi in, especially Trees Lounge, which he directed (and wrote I think). Also Ghost World. (I'm assuming you'll have seen Fargo and The Big Lebowski. Although I have watched both several times and I'm not fed up with them yet.)
Can I have 'Son of Rambow' then.. cos I don't think it's a real gun!
me and the ms both like it a lot
'City of lost Children'(not the dubbed one - that's crap)
'Black cat, White Cat' and 'Underground'
'Howls moving castle'
'spirited away'
get the joint seal of approval
and a few more animations
and she even liked the documentary 'Dogtown and the Z boys' when we first met (about skateboarding) but that could have been lust - letting me get away with naming our son, so he is a Z boy - is blind love.
Ah well, I tried. I haven't seen the film of Morvern Caller, but something (prob 'cause it's signed) keeps stopping me from throwing the book away when I know I'll never read it again.
If you both like When Harry Met Sally, me & DarceysMam both love French Kiss.
If you don't mind just a bit of singing, The Glenn Miller Story is in my all-time Top Ten. I'd rather watch that again than either It's A Wonderful Life or Harvey again, for instance.
Chick-flick-but-not-really that hasn't had any exposure for donkeys years? Letter To Brezhnev. Margi Clarke's finest hour and a bit.
There's no way you don't know Pictureville by heart already, is there? Or Pump Up The Volume, with the strangely-appealing to both sexes Mr Slater?
I have a worryingly soft spot for Mask (Eric Stoltz, Cher) but that might be because I think Sam Elliott's character is the coolest dude of all time. Almost certainly too schmaltzy though.
Oh, yeah, and I've just put Synechdoche, New York at the top of my Netflix queue and cannot wait to see it.
*SIGH!* Whoops, Pleasantville, of course.
Oh, I'm too damned tired and too damned hacked off with Ed's lot refusing to roll over for us.
Ok, here's the update, after extensive trailer watching by both of us:
ratcatcher - Mrs Mf can't do rats.
the last seduction - watched the trailer - it seems to nearly entirely based around a suitcase of money...
the station agent - gone on rental list, medium priority!
gone baby gone - mrs mcf can't do missing children.
i've loved you so long - on the rental list, low priority!
visitor - too hollywood, may rent if Station Agent is good!
i'm not there - gone on rental list, medium priority! (cos of giraffe and todd haynes and keith ledger)
tokyo story - trailer didn't grab us
the lives of otters - not enough otters in the trailer
KEEP 'EM COMING! (I know you have, cos by the time we'd watched these, there were loads more comments that I havent even read yet)
That's 3 Spill points given out there, nice work 'Spillers!
@shane - son of rambow was a film that both of us loved, had we not just watched it, that would be on the list.
Just a warning, which I wish all films came with--Station Agent involves is about a woman whose young son has recently died.
I've thought of quite a few!!
If you liked Harry& Sally you might like the german/turkish version...In July.
I think you'd like Desk Set, in a spengish way. Oh, and the Apartment. It's B&W, don't know how you feel about that. But very very good. Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine--so if this was Tin's question about a food you didn't think you'd like....cause I don't really like either of them, but I loved that film.
Some good french ones, which is all I thinking of, for some reason...
Tatie Danielle
La Vie En Rose (Not the Biopic, it's a sweet film about a very young cross dresser)
Irma Vep
Chacun Cherche Son Chat--I think you'd like this one.
Have you seen Beautiful Thing?
I'm still thinking
Blimpy, old chap, I was over the moon when I saw several of my suggestions make your first list. It was the triumph I'll never have on RR. But then I saw your update and felt like DsD apparently does (something to do with parrots). Don't believe the trailers: they're not trying to sell them to the likes of you and your good lady but to other, less discerning folk. I'll concede that The Last Seduction has money as it's plot driver but that isn't the real story. Likewise rats and Ratcatcher. But When Harry Met Sally, it ain't.
Chris, we were really really close to renting Seduction, but then the close up of the suitcase of money appeared, and well, we have to stick to our principles.
Rats give Mrs McF the heebee-geebees, I'm going to rent ratcather myself and watch it alone.
Dammit! What's happened to my lengthy post from earlier this morning? As far as I rememeber, the gist was as follows... Mrs Abahachi and I have a bit more overlap in our taste in films than our taste in music, but it tends to be pretty mainstream: The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Intolerable Cruelty, When Harry Met Sally, Pleasantville, Galaxy Quest.We tend to watch a lot of German films, partly for language practice but mostly because we find them often much more engaging and interesting than Hollywood stuff. I've no idea if many of these will be available in the UK (we generally get them from amazon.de or when we're out in Germany), and a lot of the time they don't have English subtitles, but we'd recommend the following:
The Edukators (did come out in UK, so surely available with subtitles); quite fun and interesting story about three amateurish anti-globalisation activists who kidnap a businessman by mistake. Must rewatch to see how different it now looks after Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex.
Der Schuh des Manitu (no subtitles, but dvd does have English soundtrack as an option): in my view the funniest spoof western in any language.
Das Wunder von Bern: you don't mention whether Mrs McF objects to sports films, and in any case the 1954 World Cup campaign is only a subplot to the story of a boy and his father building a relationship after the latter returns home after ten years in a Russian PoW camp. Not too sentimental.
Wer frueher stirbt ist laenger tot: unfortunately not available with any form of English (but it does have Hochdeutsch subtitles for those who don't understand Bavarian dialect). Very funny, slightly surreal and unsentimental family drama, as young boy becomes convinced that he's responsible for his mother's death in childbirth and so becomes obsessed with immortality and with finding his father a new wife.
I would always happily go for a truck load of Billy Wilder - steen's Apartment could be married with Ace in the Hole for a good evening in.
Or how about Orson? Citizen Kane might be a bit obvious but Touch of Evil is probably one of my favourite films ever - funny, weird, complex, crazy, ambitious and mental. I love it to bits. I think it bypasses most criteria. Just.
If you haven't seen Rushmore or The Royal Tennenbaums then get on that.
I'll dond Abahachi's Edukators and DsD's Mystery Men.
Oh and Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy flouts many criteria but should just go in anyway.
License to Drive with Corey Haim AND Corey Feldman?
And, of course, Anchorman. Literally the most quotable film of all time. Plus it contains the only performance I have ever seen wherein an actor (Steve Carrell) achieves a 100% Funny Ratio. He is funny EVERY SINGLE TIME HE IS ON SCREEN.
Just getting on to lovefilm in the snadfrod household too (what with internet just having arrived at last), so this is all VERY useful...
Donds for The Apartment.
I'm struggling to find a film that fits the impossible criteria, but how about In America, oh but wait, it also features a family that have recently lost a son, but it's very good, just on the right side of slushy, meaning that it's not, I found it quite moving.
You could also try La Regle Du Jeu by Renoir, a proper classic, which Altman ripped off (well) for Gosdford Park.
The Ms likes what I call "Big Oscar films", and doesn't need to see them on the big screen, so it is a struggle. One I'm not winning because I haven't been to cinema enough since I've been back in London.
Sorry Dsd, I know I said I would have been happy with a draw, but I wasn't expecting THAT. Now I'll wear all the red socks and underwear I can to obliterate the Mancs out of this season.
Shoey, have you tried the brat pack films on the Shoeteens? My younger sister, Essemdee, 18 now, was a big fan, and still is.
Oh steenbeck, did you see the trailer for he new Jarmusch, it looks interesting, as ever. AND, I don't think there's too many guns in it, it lloks like Isaac de Bankolé is a contract killer, who doesn't use a gun, or a knife.
Lets' hope the new Jarmusch is as good as Ghost Dog - The Way Of The Samurai, by far his best, IMHO. I'm sure Blimpy's seen it (as an identikit Graun filmgoer like most of us) and it also fails the eligibility test on several counts....
I've just remembered a French farce - Le Diner De Cons - which was very clever and funny (whilst still being absurd). Passes the test, too.
Here's said trailer:
@ steen - The Apartment is a Toffee household favourite.
Snad: Re. Touch of Evil, have you ever studied that opening shot, it starts in California, ends in Mexico, takes about 5 mins with no edits!
Another is the opening shot in Haskell Wexler's Medium Cool, he was prescient enough to realise what was going to happen at the 1968 Demo convention in Chicago so he staged his film there and incorporated the police brutality as part of the film.
The shot starts with a newsreel cameraman covering a car accident on a freeway, he calls in for a motorcycle messenger to pick up the film, he arrives, the film can is passed to him and he rides back into the city negotiating traffic, arrives at the TV station, dismounts and walks through the building to a back room where he hands over the film; all one take, no edits! It was done by passing the camera [an Eclair NPR] off to waiting cameramen at predetermined points along the way.
@ Ejay, Shoeteen #2 would probably ridicule the clothes & hairstyles for 5 minutes & then bugger off to do something else. The only pre-nineties movies held in any affection are the original Willy Wonka and Home Alone.
gf: have you seen Soy Cuba (I Am Cuba)? It was made by a Soviet film crew in the early sixties, painting a portrait of the Cuban Revolution. That has a couple of astonishing tracking shots (certainly for the time): up a building, through a window, out again and along the street at eaves level, for example. It's also fascinating to see how one set of revolutionary artists idealise a different-but-similar revolutionary movement. Fidel wasn't keen and it was hidden away for a couple of decades.
Apart from the occasional gun and song, it doesn't break the McFlah rules either.
Shoey, I was pleasantly suprised when my year 11s loved Pretty in Pink, though some of Andie's clotehs got sniggers, might be worth a whirl.
Have you seen Jean de Florette/Manon Des Sources Blimpy? That would make a fabulous double bill. Princess Bride? This is really hard, everythign I feel like suggesting I feel just as sure you've already seen.
And does this make Jarmusch the ultimate Grauniad director? Another huge fan here...
How'd you get a signed Morvern Caller DsD, if you don't care for Warner? I prefer his The Sopranos (actual singers, not gangsters), but Morvern was strangely haunting. I do love my Scottish fiction.
@GF: Would you believe that I actually HAVE studied that opening shot? Its truly truly immense but, from a performance point of view at least as much as a technical one, the long long long one-take scene moving around the Mexican kid's house where Quinlan plants the dynamite is just sensational.
@Chris: I saw Soy Cuba about 18 months ago and it blew me away. Its strangely hypnotic and unbelievably ambitious, if a little heavy handed in the 'Fidel-sleeps-in-the-mountains' type sections. Good nom.
There's the fantastic Francois Ozon film, 8 Women, but that maybe doesn't count as they keep breaking into song...
Also, I'm a huge fan of PT Anderson's Punch-Drunk Love, which a lot of people hate because of the Adam Sandler thing. They're missing out.
Plus, tangenitally, Tin Cup. The best sports movie ever made.
@Steenbeck - The Apartment is on my list of films to see so i'll add that one - thanks for reminding me!
Jean de Florette/Manon Des Sources are others ones that I'd love to see so if Him Indoors will allow it I'll add those ones too.
For those who haven't seen Morvern Callar - see it!!
Thanks for all your lovely suggestions
Mrs McFlah (ooh it's my first comment on the 'Spill)
I think if Blimpy saw Emmanuelle Beart, he'd happily sit through both: she's gawjuss! Welcome to the Spill Mrs M!
Blimpy my son, dont leave me out!
Especially coz I have such a grand suggestion for you.
Have you seen Stanley Tucci's marvellous 'Big Night' from 1996?
If you havent seen it, get hold of a copy by any means necessary. Its hard to find now, as is the gobsmackingly great soundtrack album - Spillers take a tip from sourpus and buy without listening..you'll love it, every man jack of you!
And if you love cooking, especially Italian cooking and you havent perchance seen this movie, all I can say is please, please watch it!
Blimpy, it fulfills all of your criteria - not harsh, or serious or gory (unless watching people cooking somehow offends); its not cheesey (oh, far from it), it has no car chases or guns. No Hanks, Cruise or Selleck. There's a great soungtrack but no singing, its nothing to do with sci-fi or gangsters (this is Italy, not Scicily).
In fact, in my umble opinion, its a flawed triumph. If you liked Withnail, you will love the two brother's at the centre of what plot there is.
Trust me on this. Get 'Big Night'
In fact, I like it so much, im gonna post it. Oh yes.
We went to the premiere of Morvern Caller, at the party afterwards Samatha Morton was wearing a tracky. Why not, eh?
Blimpy: indulge the missus. Jean de Florette and Manon Des Sources are fantastic. Trust me, you'll get sucked into them for many reasons, not just the afore-mentioned French damsel.
Chris & Sourpus: Thanks for the tips, I belong to Netflix, an online video rental that seems to have everything ever filmed, I've ordered both Big Night and Soy Cuba and should get them within a week.
This post is most useful, I've saved it for future reference and will use for ordering future films.
Snad: There's another long take, it's in Citizen Kane. It's when the camera rises up outside Xanadu and goes over the rooftops and comes down into the main hall through a skylight window to where Susan Alexander is sitting and fretting. It was shot by Greg Toland but he cheats, creatively, he inserts an edit that's covered by a lightening flash as the camera comes through the skylight, otherwise an impossible shot.
I forgot to say In America features two fine actors with Paddy Considine and Samantha Morton. ANd in terms of sports fioms, surely Semi-Pro is up there? And how could I forget Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story!
Cheers Blimpy. A forgotten tearsure if you,be nnot seen it: The Tall Guy with Jeff Goldblum and Emma Thompson - both not yet mega stars at the time. Great bonk scene. Great hospital scene and wonderful parody of a west end musiical (ELEPHANT!)
Tut, family Blimp- never judge a film by its trailer. Especially seeing as the one for Tokyo Story was cobbled together after the event for US TV, as far as I can recall. Anyway, if that film seems just too quiet for you I recalled another one I was going to mention- Milos Foreman's The fireman's ball.
You would probably also enjoy Jane Campion's Sweetie, but it doesn't seem to be on Lovefilm.
Nilp: Is your Lovefilm local or UK based?
My sister in Spain was recently moaning about the lack of English language videos there and I suggested that but she thought they wouldn't ship internationally.
no idea, GF- I was only checking it to see if Sweetie was available for the Blimpsters..
and if you like the Apartment I thought of two more ...They both have Judy Holiday, you have to get used to her voice. But I really like her. THey are Born Yesterday and It Should Happen to You. Read their synopses or view their trailers, but I remember liking them both quite a bit.
Also, when you're ready for guns, Jules Dassin's Naked City is amazing. It's a film noir, but it was filmed documentary-stylee on the streets of Manhattan. Brilliant.
If we're up to Jules Dassin try Rififi and Never on Sunday - that's the one where I fell in love with Merlina Mercouri, and on another tack, try Zorba the Greek.
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