Thursday, April 30, 2009

Internet Ham - The Origin Of Swine Flu


snadfrod said...

This is the first I've heard of internet ham, but I'll have to check it out. Only on Saturday, mind, as I've been following the Butterfield Diet Plan for many months now and Saturday Is Treat Day...

Blimpy said...

I think it's time for Swine Flu puns....

Blimpy said...

I've come out in a rasher....

Blimpy said...

And developed a sty....

Blimpy said...

I'm constantly pork scratching....

Blimpy said...

I had Swine Flu, but now I'm cured....

Blimpy said...

I'll get me coat.....

nilpferd said...

You're wearing us down with these salami tactics Mcflah, as well as hogging the blog, but if you're thinking you'll get me to bog in with any tasteless punnery in the midst of an international hamdemic, you're grunting into the wrong trough.

Shoey said...

Pigs might flu

tincanman said...

Can we get bacon topic now?

ejaydee said...

Is RR up yet?

Blimpy said...

Never mind RR in the middle of this pigpendemic, it's going to turn into a veritable aporkalypse....

snadfrod said...

Poorly? Just get an oinkment.

Blimpy said...

Mass hogsteria!

Blimpy said...
