Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Given that we now have cars and living rooms etc, how about gardens?
Looking at the blogger profiles there seem to be several who list 'gardening' as an interest, since the cooking clan regularly share their secrets I was wondering if there's enough of of us to have a little corner off to the side somewhere where we might talk about the goings on in the garden since spring is just around the corner and all. Where I live the dafs are ready to pop and I think it might be interesting to have an international view of of mother nature through the seasons and to share some thoughts and tips, we might even get the cooks to start from ground zero. Anybody else interested?


TonNL said...

I'm not nuch of a gardener, more the "let it grow, let it blossom, let it flow" type, but as I am living in a 50 year old house on the edge of the woods, with a very large, just as old garden, the garden has become a haven for lots of birds, rabbits, squirrels, and even the occasional deer or fox turn up, will post some pictures later

steenbeck said...

Is that blooming in your garden right now, goneforeign? I'd post a picture of my garden but it's a muddy rain-drenched affair at the moment. Nothing blooming there.

goneforeign said...

Steenbeck; Unfortunately not, though there are several varieties of irises called re-bloomers which flowered for the second time in early Dec.
That was was from last summer. We're also looking a bit Flanders fieldish, it's rained 10" in 2 weeks.

Blimpy said...

Flowers are essentially tarts.

Prostitutes for the bees.

There is, you'll agree, a certain je ne ses quoi oh so very special about a firm young carrot.

goneforeign said...

You filthy old bugger!

Abahachi said...

Speaking as both a beekeeper and a vegetable grower - and a pedant - it would actually be more appropriate to say that flowers are the pushers and bees the junkies - and oil seed rape is the nectar equivalent of crack. Not sure how to work into this analogy the fact that the climate is completely verrueckt these days, and this mild January (snowdrops and daffodils already), on top of last year's craziness, is liable to wipe out most of my colonies. Maybe climate change is the heavy-handed government drugs policy...