Every blog seems to have a picture of someone's pet, so that's got that out of the way.
I had a few questions...Do we want to add links to the linkety links sections? I like when a blog leads me to other things that interest me. If so, do we want them all to relate to music? Maybe people could reply in the comments section with blogs or websites that they visit regularly. Or is that too much work for you, Blimpy?
Another question--how can we post a file from iTunes (a protected file)? I can't convert it to an mp3, I can open it in quicktime on my computer, but I don't know how to save it that way. I can make a video for it using iMovie, but that seems like a lot of work, and it would make the file larger. Anybody know?
hi steenbeck, there's an option in itunes under 'advanced' on the toolbar called 'convert selection to mp3'
also, with the links, if anyone wants anything added to linkety links, just leave it in comments and I can add it.
It doesn't convert tracks bought from iTunes, they're "protected." I'm sure there's a way around it, but I haven't found it yet...
Oh, having never paid for an mp3 myself, i didn't realise that was the case!
Hey steenbeck, iMovie is gonna be a lot of work if you want to make an actual movie. What I did for all those youtube clips, is just import the song, slap on a picture and share., It'll make the file between 10 or 15MB.
I think that's your best bet for a protected track.
Just spoke to a friend who suggested burning it to a disk and ripping it from that. Seems simple, but it might work. I'll give it a go tomorrow.
And I wanted to suggest a music-related blog...
WFMU's Beware of the Blog. From a very independent radio station
The burning/ripping works with music from 7digital...don't know about iTunes though.
The burning and ripping does work with iTunes protected songs, make sure you uyse a CD-RW though, so as not to waste a CD-R everytime
The links section would be a good place to put some of the recommendations people had a few weeks back for places to find new music on the interweb - I might go through that later and put them all in a list.
Another music-related blog, Funky 16 corners...
It seems to be the nesting ground for videos of spinning records and it has a dazzling array of music-related blogs listed.
Another good one, lets you listen to whole albums
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