Birkenhead semi-socials
Nov 6 - Michelle Shocked .............Nov 24 - Thea Gilmore
Mrs Tin and I have tickets for the above shows in Birkenhead, and welcome any RRers to join us for a musical RR social. The hall is being set up cabaret style, 7 to a table, so there is room for 5 more people at our table and there are other tables next to ours. If necc, we can find beds for a couple of people coming from further away.
You can book online or by phone. Let me know if you want to come and I'll email you the Table No. and details.
(for those who don't know her, Thea Gilmore is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had to choose one of the two above, it would be her. Her UK tour probably comes near you too)
You jammy, jammy tincanman (I'd hazard a guess that's what Anon is getting at too). Can't find European tour dates for either of the ladies (yet)...
Hey, and Richard Thompson the week after next, I'd let you sleep on my floor for that ....
@ Totanka
yeah, i know. Makes a nice break from the Port Sunshine Light Opera tea ladies and the high school bands competition.
You're welcome to steal one of your company trucks and join us. My floor is comfy; just kick the dog and kid toys out of the way and clear a space.
btw the Gilmore could be crap or bad; rather than doing songs from her records (which I like, especially Avalanche) she's put together a special Christmas-themed show.
And at the risk of exposing my poor musical pedigree (not to mention the demon that is treefrog ired), I'd not really be interested in seeing Richard Thompson.
I'd echoe debbym's comment, except that it's more like "you lucky, lucky bastard" - and even more, anyone who's in a position to take advantage of your offer.
Thea Gilmore - easily the better of the two choices for my hard earned money. I always vote in favor of sincerity & talent.
Tinny, "I'd not really be interested in seeing Richard Thompson" - sacrilege! Go see that man ONCE and you'll be BITTEN; he has an incredible stage presence, and you'll never want to miss out in him ever again. Says I.
I'm sure you are right debby, but I've exhausted the budget. I really wanted to see Thea Gilmore, but I didn't think she'd be Mrs Tin's cup of tea and knew she liked Michelle Shocked, so I booked her too. Turns out is Suzanne Vega she likes; she's never even heard of Michelle Shocked.
RT is cheap! Only £20 when I saw him last week, and I got Swarb thrown in as well. debbym is quite right about his stage presence - that's been getting better and better, as has his voice. Of course he is and always has been a terrific guitarist and composer.
I'll buy Mrs. tin's Michelle Shocked ticket off you, and she (Mrs. tin) is cordially invited for a weekend's babysitting, ahem, sightseeing in Hamburg as her special treat.
P.S. How would she feel about a stint selling books&CDs on the Saturday?
She'd be fine with the book and CD selling part of it. She speaks no German, but she can point and clear her throat violently while clicking her heels.
Can't see her being too keen on the old throwing the keys into the hat when only there's only one set of keys though.
And the babysitting part would be a really hard sell as we have two younger kids here plus 4 teens in various stages of disporia, so our dream getaways tend to involve NO FECKIN CHILDREN.
Really fancy the Michelle Shocked evening, but I think you're beginning to realise how unreliable I am on the subject of gigs, tin.
On a related subject, Leeds New Roscoe now have the Richmond Fontaine tickets in at a tenner a throw; I'll try to get over there to buy mine on Sunday.
And does anyone know anything about The Unthanks? Anything to do with Rachel of that name? The Unthanks are playing at Halifax Parish Church in late October ...
I've met Michelle Shocked's brother (she boasted). And I have his autograph too, come to think.
...and yes, dsD, The Unthanks are indeed Rachel Unthank and the Winterset, with a far less annoying name.
Should be good!
Monsieur d'ètain, MY children do not feck!
Go for it, they are the Unthanks formerly known as Rachel Unthank & the Winterset. Skippy saw them last year (or Hindlejohn on last.fm) and questioned why they were called RACHEL Unthank etc, when the other sister (Becky??) was mainstay of the band - looks like they've taken his comments to heart. Anyways, I read somewhere The Unthanks Formerly Known as Rachel Unthank and... but I don't know if the band's the same line-up.
I had their Blue Bleezing Blind Drunk as one of my top 3 tracks last year, but I missed their gig when they came to Hamburg (much gnashing of teeth)
OK, thanks for the Unthank info. Debby, you maybe the reason I know of Rachel then. I have one song of her's on my Walkman but don't know where from. I did load all our Festive 'Spill Top Threes onto it, so there you go!
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