That's the problem with double lives; eventually you say more than you mean.
But I don't want to cast aspersions, so I will merely present the clipping I noticed while on holiday a few weeks ago. As the story goes, a musician in Bath (that's Bath, UK, not Bathe, France) had her treasured violin stolen. It was later found in a second hand store, and returned to her. Apparently some sticky fingered opportunist had nabbed it from beside the stage, where she had just finished performing in a musical recital called The Frog Princess.
Nice necklace, FP. Is it real gold?
I just thought, you know, since we were doing pictures this week...
I once came across FP's real name on Deezer but knowing her wish to remain anonymous, promptly blotted it from my mind. Don't think it was Heather Cowan, though.
Very nice detective work tincan, shame it was a blind alley. Have a feeling FP may be from further up north (originally) than Bath.
I might get a free museum pass from the Bath(e) Chamber of Commerce for plugging their culture though.
No, you must have it wrong, tin. I'm sure that fp is much more attractive than that!
And talking of End of the Week Questions, is nobody going to oblige this week?
But FP, doesn't that make you want to post a real picture of yourself to prove Tincanman wrong?
And where are the EOTWQ? I've got one if anybody needs an extra.
But surely she wouldn't fall for so transparent a trick?
Oh my, wouldn't we azll have egg on our faces then.
Yes indeed.
Sure hope that doesn't happen. No Tin Tempura for me
where IS fp? hols?
EXCELLENT!! So that's why my cyber ears were burning on t' beach. Nothing to do with UV rays singeing their way through the flimsy straw parasols!!! Superb post Tin! Excellent story though. No link between me an the aforesaid disappearing fiddle yerhonour. An the necklace fell off the back off a Cartier lorry. OK so it was pushed a little, tee hee. My own fiddle came from an antiques fare and cost seventy quid. It's worth umpteen times that though and I do treasure it because it's old. Thanks for all your musings - makes it great to be back. We grabbed a quick week in Crete, read lots, ate and drank indecent amounts (you know the 'all in formula' where the only limit to the amount of cocktails you can drink is...well... you? We met a very nice Cretan lady who works for the Commission in Brussels who showed us around and packed us off back home complete with an olive tree we've just put in a pretty pot. Lovely holiday - if brief - but it has set me up to enjoy the lovely Alsacian indian summer before, gulp, autumn sets in. Bisous to all of you and thanks for making me chuckle. FP aka three dots
Is one of those Dot Cotton?
And the dog days of summer and the Alsatian Autumn are the best time over there in my opinion ..... it's when the wine get's made!
gaarr, talking veg on the mothership, hence the greengrocer''s apostroph
Too right me old mukka (that's me in dot cotton mode. The harvest this year should be a good one as the summer has been alternately wet (well watered soil) and then hot and sunny. High hopes for a great vintage all round....
"none taken" re the aposstrophe...
On the word of the Wumman on the spot I am buying Hugel, Riesling, Vendange Tardive futures as we speak.
Not Bath oils?
Nah, not Bath oils. Hugel's Vendange Tardive wines are good for several decades in the bottle; when that glorious day comes, I'd rather be pissed than moist ...
More pissed than moist people?
Yeah, I don't hang out with drips ...
and anyway; FP has always had her picture in her Blogger profile, she's as cute as a small green thing in a tiara ...
You'll not regret that Vendanges. Carries a personal recommendation...
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