Wheuw would live in a house like this? Album titles and artists please panel. And
what a panel you are. I've tried to be eclectic but can't think of any disco (or indeed house) music covers that fit the bill. I suppose dance music is all about getting
out of the house...
I could have included Millie Jackson sitting on the er..throne but I largely stuck to exteriors. I'll save it for the 'Songs about Bodily Functions' week.
Watch closely because, remember, the clues are there, as we go through... oh god, stop it.
The first one is Oasis. The album is, erm you know the one when they stopped being any good....'Be Here Now' that's it. I bought it on the strength of 'Definately Maybe' and 'What's The Story'. Listened to it a couple of times. Left it on the shelf ever since.
Apart from that, I recognise nichts, nada, nothing.
Oh go on GI. The second to last?
OK - I'll claim the uncool one.
Number 6 is Billy Joel's Glass Houses.
TB, you're back from your hols and pipping me to the post! The others even I know are Ladies of the Canyon (Joni Mitchell), the one before that's Black Sabbath, and three above that's Unhalfbricking by Fairport Convention.
This almost makes up for not having a single mirrored image or reflection to post!
Great to see a PF quiz. The only one I know straight off is Pere Ubu's Dub Housing.
I know one! Unhalfbricking!
er...Fairport Convention
Joni Mitchell, Fairports, Sabbath, Oasis - as as already been said.
The one I think no one has got yet is Family's "Music From A Doll's House"
I've always wondered what Unhalfbricking means?
@ gf - surely that's obvious. It's the opposite of halfbricking so, sort of halfbricking but backwards. Halfbricking is of course the act of making bricks into half bricks, which unfortunately kind of depends of the size of brick that you start out with. You see, clearly, if you start with a double-sized brick then it's going to be difficult to be certain whether what you'd ended up with was indeed a half brick or just a smaller than expected, yet in all other sense of the word, a full sized brick.
Is that all clear now? Some of the detail may need further clarification. In which case, I'll be happy to oblige ...
A half brick in the UK, assuming it's chopped in the middle of it's longest length, would be 106mm long x 102mm wide x 65 mm deep.
Sorry, but it's my job to know such things.
(I knew that sort of information would come in handy one day!)
Flemish bond, anyone?
That camel is Wilco, but I don't know the name of the album.
Would somebody PLEASE put me out of my misery - what's the farm at the top? I know I know it...
Oh my bad!
What was I thinking?
A standard UK brick chopped in half length ways would be 107.5mm long, not 106mm.
That's it. There's nothing left for me to do but to resign my membership of the Institute of Structural Engineers and go and join the Foreign Legion.
I just hope they have a wi fi connection at Fort Zinderneuf or you'll never hear from me again.....
@ gordonimmel - well, I wasn't going to say anything ...
Wilco (the album)
I think the one with the abandoned car is Handsworth Revolution but that's the only one I recognise.
Well done panel. You've got one jazz album about a house, one grammy winning blues album feat. Charlie Haden and an obscure folk treasure ressurected by the power of modern advertising to go.
Still in misery about the farm debbym? I think it's in Scotland somewhere. You get to it slowly, by caravan.
Vashti Bunyan - Just Another Diamond Day .... Her in the pinny.
Depends how thick the thing is you chop it with, doesn't Gord?
TY, I thank you!
seeing as there don't seem to be any other takers: James Cotton 'Deep in the Blues'
That leaves the jazz stairs for Abahachi (where is he this week?)
The jazz stairs I'll leave for Abahachi. Well done Debbym. Hope you didn;t have sleepless nights dreaming of pinnies.
BTW, what is the diff between a pinny and an apron?
Over to you TY...
Well webcore likes a little flutter on the pinnies, plus he likes to cook. But I don't know if he does both at the same time.
@TCM. Surely a kitchen TV, a phone call to the bookies...? We men CAN multi-task y'know?
PS thanks to Toffee for being uncool and to all the panel for making me more confused about bricks than I already was. Actually I didn't realise bricks could be confusing until now but er..thanks for that.
@ Proudfoot
er, no we can't.
Nor can women. We just are mor elikely to admit it.
sorry about typo, i'm drinking tea two
Tea huh? Likely story.
i thought it only polite to confirm answers to the quiz.
1. Be Here Now- Oasis
2.Just Another Diamond Day- Vashti Bunyan
3.The 11th House - Larry Coryell
4.Dub Housing - Pere Ubu
5. Wilco- Wilco
6. Glass Houses - Billy Joel
7. Life in a Doll's House - Family
8. Unhalfbricking- Fairports
9. Deep in the Blues James Cotton
10. Handsworth Revolution- Steel Pulse
11. Black Sabbath
12. Ladies of the Canyon.
The quotes, for our transatlantic/ overseas spillers were from a vile TV show, through the Keyhole. David Frost hosted a panel who would follow a pre-saucy Lloyd Grossman through a misguided tour through a celeb's home and try to guess who it was. They usually focused on a red herring, so a leopardskin sofa was no guarantee of Rod stewart's ownership and a half eaten sandwich didn't mean Mama Cass woz here.
These days I bet I can get to see the inside of Peter Andre's house on Google Earth but really, I don't want to go there.
12. .... by Joni Mitchell.
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