Seated in comfort or perched precariously on the arm of a chair (left to right); snadfrod, Mnemonic, TatankaYotanka, Proudfoot, cauliflower, Tim (Kalyr), ejaydee, GarethI
Seated agonisingly on the floor (left to right); ToffeeBoy, Abahachi, glasshalfempty, tarxien
Click on the picture to see the horrible truth, closer up than you'd really like.
The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that there are 13 CDs here - the additional one was supplied by DarceysDad whose presence was felt throughout the evening. A bit spooky - ever so slightly creepy really ...
I'll add some thoughts on the evening tomorrow and I'll put some more piccies in the dropbox (far too tired right now) but I just wanted to say a big thank you to ejaydee for organising things and also to say how genuinely lovely it was to meet everyone.
The only down side of the whole event was the complete lack of ginger beer on the premises ...
Cheers, ToffeeBoy.
So was tonight's crowd more musically receptive than 23 years ago?
Hard to say - I'm almost certain it was the same room, though.
Really must get some sleep now ...
Last two tracks on my CD should help you on your way to Land of Nod ....
Whoops. I'm obv too tired too. I might have had a couple of drinks, but I haven't forgotten my own name.
From my iPhone. First ever comment. Omg snadrod lo e your outfit. Wish I'd been there. That was supposed to have been "love" obviously.
Morning all. Virtual CDs from Shiv and Tin are in a folder in the RR Dropbox (as well as a copy of mine).
Out for the day I think. Hopefully back tonight.
Well, steen, what a lovely thing to see first thing in the morning. Thank you ever so much. But honestly, I just threw it on...
I'll echo Toffee and give big thanks to EJ for organising it all and agree that it was a very lovely and interesting evening to meet so many people about whom you know so much but also so little. And they even had thin chips!
I can't do dropbox at present, sadly, due to broadband limit issues, but is this the right place to post the tracklist for my cd ('Blog Flume', top left, no nice cover, natch), or would people prefer I email it to them?
Lovely photo and you all look as though you had a great time. I thought of you all and 'raised a glass in your general direction!'
Lovely to see you all!
You can put tracklisting up here, Snadfrod, but in true RR style, don't forget your justifications!!!!
There have to be justifications? Oh my.
Well I will try to get round to it later, but right now have to start getting things ready for our street party. We're having one of those Big Lunch thingys on our street. Anyone else?
Had fun last night, thanks to those who came (physically and in spirit). Also, some of my CDs may be faulty, let me know if your copy worked.
Oh, can somebody empeefree Shiv's CD for us non-PC users pleae?
Thanks ejaydee for the organisation. Hven't managed to play any discs yet as I'm off, not to a street party, but the Lambeth Country Fair in Brockwell Park. Always like to have a little jerk chicken, dub reggae and sheepdog trials in Brixton (well almost, I suppose it's really Herne Hill).
Morning everybody. That was fun last night and now Australia are 21-1. Happy days…
Anyway, mine's a data CD so it's unlikely to work outside your computer. I've not cracked the trick of burning an audio CD that keeps all of the track names on it yet. Has anyone here got a foolproof method?
Gareth, I noticed you had started a draft AOTW post last week, feel free to reactivate it for this week, and I'll take the week after that..
Do you use iTunes Gareth? If so, it should give you the option when you click Burn CD. Also, please refrain from nicking my Jorge Ben songs in the future, have we been visiting the same blogs?
This one's not bad too:
if ppl have problems with stuff, make a FOR TIN folder in dropbox and I'll try and convert stuff etc for you and thgen move it to the social folder.
Currently dropbox has 1.1 gigs of a 2 gig limit (which for each person includes anything in your Public or personal folders, or any other subfolders), so we shoul;d be ok for a bit yet.
No need to thank me - I just want your music he he. Wait wait, I mean I am a public spirited thief. I mean, fella
Snad, if you email me the playlist I'll see what I have and can maybe dropbox it for you.
Nilpferd: no, you can take the AOTW. I'm trying to track down an extra track to stick on mine.
Ed: Loronix is rather good, isn't it? it's the only place I could find O Bidu and Africa Brasil without spending silly money. With iTunes, it gives me an option for include CD text – is that the one?
Yes that's the one. You should have the option between Audio CD, data cd or data dvd.
I've been going through the Loronix archives, now I've got a holding folder for stuff I'll probably never have time to listen to.
Yeah, good time had by all, and absent friends were missed. Thrids, or whatever, to the thanx to EJD for making it happen. And thanx to Toffee for doing the Cartier Bresson bit...Shame none of the gurus showed.
Oh & I promised to dropbox Cauliflowers CD of sad songs, as soon as I get back to a computer.
Til we meet again..."
Actually GHE, it's possible you forgot TatYo and Gareth's CD. It's also possible it's my fault, as I took put them to the side your pile to retrieve Cauli's CD for the picture.
Ed, I've just seen your tracklisting and now I realise what you meant! What are the chances of that, eh?
Oh, yes I'm just off to the big lunch for my block of flats! The
ejay (and others)
Shiv's tunes are perverted to MP3 and re-uploading as we speaketh
How dare my phone 'correct' my handle from ghe to the!
And Ed, I fear you are right - can I email you my address?
Please do, The GHE.
GHE, thanks, but I 'dropped' the miserable songs myself, including cover. You got the only copy! I'm making another for me...
Sorry I failed to deliver the hardware at the Social - if anyone wants hard copy, let me know, with an address to post it!
OK, I put what I can in the D-box, there's a problem with the tracklisting in Tatanka's CD, and we're missing Proudfoot, Snad, and Kalyr's tracklists.
Always nice to see what everyone looks like!
Seems like a fine old time was had by all and I can't wait to get my teeth into all those mix CD's...
I've reconstructed my TYUT Social CD in the Dropbox.
Cheers again to Ejaydee for organisation, Toffeeboy for documenting, everyone there for interesting chat and the AAD (at a distance) participants for psychic support.
Looking forward to working through the tunes this week .... currently preoccupied with an on song England at Lords :)
While England are struggling to wrap up the Test Match, I thought I'd take the opportunity to add a few thoughts on last night.
In the cold light of day, I realise that I hardly spoke to Mnemonic and tarxien (bet you don't know how that's pronounced) all night - I suppose the fact that the time flew and the conversation flowed, shows that the awkward silences that some of us feared, failed to turn up. In the end, the three hours or so that I was there, simply wasn't enough. So roll on, RR Social '10, is all I can say!
Some of the attendees were just as I expected them to be (snadfrod, ejd, cauliflower (PLEASE DON'T CHANGE YOUR NAME, CAULI!!!!), Abahachi and Tim(Kalyr)) while others I would have failed to pick out from a RR identity parade!
One thing I realised quickly is that my exposure to live music is somewhat deficient to say the least. The rest of you all seem to have seen everyone, everywhere - I've only been to two gigs in the last two or three years which felt a wee bit pathetic.
@ steenbeck - re Chris's wardrobe - Jeans? Checked Shirt? Hardly Saville Row ...
Just a final message to Abahachi - I may like cheesy music, I may even enjoy melodic, light pop, I'll accept that I am occasionally susceptible to what some might term, guilty pleasures ... but I do not, nor will I ever, listen to or enjoy the works of Barbra fucking Dixon! Now that just hurt ...
TB: Barbara Dixon is absolutely ace live!
To try to make some space for the other compilations, I've deleted mine out of the Dropbox.
I can put it back later if anyone needs it.
To help the speed along, if any of the other compilers can leave a message with how many songs are on their discs, we'll know when they're all in there. (I copied a couple out before they were all uploaded earlier)
I'll remove mine too - I can't imagine any of you not having those songs if you like that sort of thing, or wanting them if you don't! If anyone wants them back, let me know...
Hey, hold on! People are away for the weekend you know...
No panic, tfd. It's only because we're approaching DropBox limits. Nothing else will load in if it's full.
I've got mine and nine others now.
Think it's just tatanka's I'm waiting for full upload of ...
Still want the physical ones though, ejay.
Looks like fun, sorry I missed it. I Dropboxed a virtual CD but having read these comments I've moved it to my public folder and will post it some other time if anyone's interested. DsD, thanks for e-mail, I've tried to reply but the machine won't let me and the techie round here is asleep, hence no help at all. Glasshalfempty's glass does look more than half empty, I hope he managed to replenish it at some point.
Bah ... sorry folks, I dropboxed mine as the original huge .wav files that went on the CD. Tin already converted a few that have uploaded (tatin) I'll delete the one's that haven't arrived yet and start again. I may be some time because I worked on this from a small laptop which hasn't got anything on it apart from Windows Media Player, my Nero is elswhere.
Barbara Dickson? What did I say about Barbara Dickson? Oh God...
Things that I do recall, despite what Mrs Abahachi described as "a considerable level of bonhomie" when I eventually got back to my parents' house: (i) enjoying a whole series of fascinating conversations about an astonishing range of subjects with lots of charming and interesting people; (ii) getting ever more loquacious and pretentious - yes, it is possible - as the evening wore on; those of you who arrived later in the evening may not believe it, but I am normally rather shy; (iii) embarking on a classic "you're my besht frens, you are" speech when I had to leave - but that wasn't just the beer talking; that was one of the best evenings I've had in ages, relaxing with old friends despite the fact that I'd met you all in person for the first time earlier that evening.
Very many thanks to EJD for organising things; I now feel under obligation to consider the possibility of a West Country and Wales Social at some point in the future.
Barbara Dickson???? Sorry, whatever it was.
@Abahachi - in fairness, it was very sweet and touching of you.
Well, the street party was a bit of a success, to be honest. Good chicken kebabs and I had my face painted like a tiger! Grrr.
So, a tracklist. First of all, the only justification I can think of for all these songs is that they are mostly by bands that are not widely acknowledged/recognised (ish) and they ALL make me feel very happy indeed. Um, that's about it I guess. Et la:
1. Miracle Drug - A.C. Newman
2. Idealistic - Digitalism
3. Phenomena - Akron/Family
4. In one ear, out the other - Fujiya & Miyagi
5. 15 - Rilo Kiley
6. Where's the love? - Hanson
7. Sacred Vision - Iron & Wine
8. Magnetic Moon - Canyon
9. Blackout Curtain - Now It's Overhead
10. The Fall of Mr Fifths - Why?
11. Mercury Craze - Subtle
12. Strange things will happen - The Radio Dept.
13. The Funeral - Band of Horses
14. Wild Wind - Black Mountain
15. So come back, I am waiting - Okkervil River
And there you go. Hope that doesn't put anyone off. Ta.
@ AliM - how many songs on your compilation? Won't know when it's all there without that piece of info. I can currently see 13, from Angi to Shoals Of Herring
Oh I really must go to the next one of these.
Hope you enjoyed the Country Show Mnemonic. Did you visit the library tent?
Hopefully I've emailed the blurb/ tacklist to most of you. Please let me know who I've left out. I'll try and sort out the drop box when I'm feeling less jaded. I had to get up early for history lecture (don't even arsk.) Plus why do your kids always get up early when they can lie in and then do Rip Van Winkle on school days? Lovely evening. Thank you.
Have not had chance to listen to anything yet but Kiki Dee is going to be first. I think that's us quits Mnemonic (Re Judee Sill last time) 'Amoureuse' was a click away from going on the disc but then I couldn't decide between that and 'Early Night'...
PS @abahachi, toffeeboy. Barbara Dickson is definitely on my next disc. You both asked for it.
That should read Tracklist, not tacklist. On the other hand...
If anyone want a real copy please email your address and I'll get round to it sometime before Chinese Democracy II is in the shops.
PS Look Abahachi-
Well, you left me out, Proudo.
Just a word from the southland, I'm visiting LA and just noticed an unused Mac so I thought I'd pop in to see what's up. Don't have time to stop, the owner might walk in so I'll re-visit when I get back next weekend.
Handsome bunch, I'll have to photoshop me in there somehow.
@ Abahachi - the subject of the 'Spill Venn Diagram came up and we were talking about who would be right in the centre of it. You mentioned that Mrs Abahachi would be way off to one side and I asked whether there would be any overlap at all. You said: "There might be with you" and then mentioned Barbara Dixon as a possible link. I'm not sure whether I actually used the word 'buke' or not, but it was certainly on my mind!
@proudfoot: Oh God, now the paragraph conversation comes back to me... Email tracklist to, please.
@TB: sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry....
Hi severin, no never made it to the library but managed to take in sheep shearing, sheepdog trials, jousting, bric-a-brac stalls, herb plants, carnivorous plants, vegetable sculpture, honey tasting, organic cider and a lot of music. Then we went to the pub....
DsD - there were 14 - thought I'd deleted it but it's still there. I've now got some files in my public folder which say they conflict with yours - should I just delete them?
Feel free to delete whatever of mine (assuming you can) and apologies if I've caused problems.
I'm having a new boiler fitted today and it's chaos ...
Won't get to sort out my Dropbox faux pas until this evening but this is my tracklist and order of play; I was concentrating on the segues which worked pretty well until time constrictions meant I had to dump the Waterboys' Universal Hall ... which would have sat between the Two Amsterdams.
Medley in C - Eugene Chadbourne
The Power to Believe (acappella)
- King Crimson
Level 5 - King Crimson
La Cacharra - Jimmy Bosch
Saturday Night In Albion - Robb
Johnson & The Irregulars
Blackbird - Roof
Flying Ant Day - Cult With No Name
New Amsterdam - Moondog & London
New Amsterdam - Barb Jungr
Trunk Call - Dreamtime
Any Way To Fall In Love - Philip
Shadow Blonde - Pat Orchard
Sacrifice - Eugene Chadbourne &
Han Bennik
Ghost Of Planes - Peter Hammill
Let's Travel Light - Peter Blegvad
There's lots of space now - I removed the folder of Fri cruelty songs to make way for social CDs.
I assume once Friday is past people will have copied the tunes they want and then copy from Sat-Mon later in the week.
I'll clear out the entire dropbox when I go to bed Weds p.m.
I can put the Fri folder back in for one day on Thurs if anyone asks for it.
Ah, I see, I was confused by the 2 King Crimsons and thought it was the name of just one song. I did think your Cuban trombonist sounded a bit metally.
So we're only missing Kalyr's song list then.
People are asking for the tracklist...
1. Elektra City, Panic Room, from the album Visionary Position
2. Breaking the 4th Wall, The Reasoning, from the album Dark Angel
3. Harvest Moon, Blue Öyster Cult, from the album Heaven Forbid
4. Touchstone, Solace, from the album Wintercoast
5. Frequency, IQ, title track of the album
6. Searching for My Shadow, Breathing Space, from the album Coming Up for Air
7. Keelhauled, Alestorm, from the album Black Sails at Midnight
8. This is the 21st Century, Marillion, from the album Anoraknophobia
9. Burn, Apocalyptica, from the album Worlds Collide
10. The Gap is Too Wide, Mostly Autumn, from the album Spirit of Autumn Past
Ahhh ..... blessed be the file conversion elves.
I came in from work and started on the task ... then I looked in Dropbox and lo; already there :)
Tonight I shall mostly be leaving out an electric toaster which needs seeing to and Eugene Chadbourne's 'Country Protest' for remastering and mixing into 5.1 surround.
Go elves, ... go! And thanks for all your help so far xx
@ Ejaydee ... heheh, Brass is one of the heavier metals of course ..
I just discovered there are more photos in Dropbox! (I'm slow like that). I see you were saving some wine for me.
I think the Venn Diagram joke was mine originally! It's almost like I was there chatting with you.
I wanted to ask if you can leave the social CDs in dropbox for a little while longer. I'm confusing myself trying to put music on my portable mp3 playing device, and I think it might be a while before I can download anything.
I can't really leave them longer than Weds Steen, but what I can do is move them to a folder outside RRdropbox that you can access. That way it'll count towards your 2gig limit, but not anyone else's.
Wednesday is fine, Tincanman. Even tomorrow afternoon is fine. Thanks.
I'll stick with the Weds bedtime (mine) I announced earlier to avoid confusion.
D'oh, sorry tincanman--now it looks like I wasn't paying attention. You've already discussed this, haven't you? I just came home in a panic at missing all this good music. I can't even catch up on cruel songs.
oh i know. And album of the week.
I need to run away from home with my iPod. Anyone got room in their shed?
TaYo, you have to leave bread-and-milk out for them, you know. Otherwise...
tfd ... you mean there's no such thing as altruistic elves?
Tin, I would like to have a quick look at friday's folder please, thursday, right?
Elves are only out for (thems)elves. Even though their healthcare comes free at the point of use.
You just have to consider the etymology of sELFish.
By the way, who wants physical copies of the CDs, apart from the packages I'll send Dsd and Shane?
@ Tatanka - I think you need to contact the National Elf Service ...
Well, duh, ToffeeBoy...
@ tfd - oh, sorry, was that your 8:18 AM joke? My bad ...
Grrr ... just wasted my Elverish Parsley joke over there on the Mutter Schiff when it could have been deployed here to grater effect ...
Hey ho ... once more unto the Frey
I've been away from a computer and generally not keeping up, and only just realised my RR Social set is not in the dropbox - duh! So for what it's worth, I've now dropped it. Track listing is:
Going south - Wolfgang Press
Light nights - Paul Weller
Eveready - Turin Brakes
The River - Geoffrey Oryema
Shift Al Mani - Omar Souleyman
The deception - iLIKETRAiNS
Happy Tibetan Girl - Zi Lan Liao
Breastfed - Bell X1
In my heart, a strange attractor - Mercury Rev
Slow motion - Forest fire
@ EJD - thanks for offer to make good my losses, but I've now got Gareth's & TatYo's from the dropbox, so I'm good to go ...
Does anybody have Proudfoot's tracklisting?
Apologies to all for lack of tacklist. Ed, aba, anyone who gets it please pass around. Very bad things happening to my email account!
Proudfoot's track listing, and voluminous sleeve notes:
1.Tours - Language School. NME joint single of the week. John Peel’s second favourite single. Kiss of death really. 10 years on guitarist wrote ‘How Long’ for Ultra Nate. You go figure.
2.Any Trouble - Girls Are Always Right. In a parallel universe Clive Gregson is a globally lauded artist with his own TV show. Elvis Costello, meanwhile, sings backing vocals for Kim Carnes.
3.Rolf Harris – Sun Arise. Hard to take this wobble boarder very seriously, but play this with an open mind. Can you see who Peter Gabriel is yet?
4.Kinks – Supersonic Rocket Ship. There may be good reasons why the Kinks had no hit singles between Lola and Come Dancing. I don’t know what they are.
5.Maria Taylor - Time Lapse Lifeline. One for the future? Cf Thea Gilmore/ Gemma much talent, so little attention span.
6.Tourists - The Loneliest Man in the World. Saw this bunch supporting Roxy Music. Much more fun than the rather contrived plastic duo that went on to rule the 80s.
7. Holly & the Italians - Tell That Girl to Shut Up. Sigh. The Photos, Penetration/ Pauline Murray, the Passions, GAOB... Was there really only room for Blondie or the Pretenders in the female-fronted-power-pop stakes?
8. Ruts – West One (Shine On Me). I preferred them to the Clash. Malcolm Owen’s early demise inexplicably failed to materialise in cult fame and serious monochrome biopics. I want to live to see Ruts oven gloves in Tescos.
9.The Piranhas – Getting Beaten Up. See also the Barracudas. Notes for bands: 1. Don’t name your band after fish. 2. Be earnest; Fun=novelty=one-hit-wonder. 3. Make sure you’re from a big city; Brighton won’t be trendy until the late 90s.
10.Sweet – The Sixteens. By the time Chinn and Chapman realised the Sweet were a decent rock band it was probably too late. This was their last hurrah together. Sweet went on to write their own material and try to convince the world they were Deep Purple. Some people in Denmark actually believed them.
11.Bert Jansch – Daybreak. Now that Bert is everyone’s favourite acoustic guitar slinger you’ll probably wonder why this is ‘undeRRated’. Well, he never plays any of the brilliant album (A Rare Conundrum) in his live set, it wasn’t re-issued until this year (which means I’ve been waiting almost 20 years since I first heard it), and it took him until Crimson Moon to gather musicians this good to work with. Drummer, Pick Withers, left to join...
12.Dire Straits – Portobello Girl. No-one seems to rate their 2nd LP. Play this back-to-back with Walk of Life and ponder the stupidity of planet earth.
13.Bevis Frond – Portobello Man. Umpteenth excellent, largely ignored, release from Nick Salomon. This is (I think) for Syd.
14.Only Ones – Flaming Torch. There is a rule that says you can only play one song by them on the radio. It’s a shit rule.
15.Monochrome Set – He’s Frank. Too arch or just downright peculiar for popular tastes perhaps. Singer Bid (Ganesh Seshadri) was an Indie-an proto-Morrissey. The guitarist, Lester Square, was born Thomas Hardy. Forsake and forsooth!
16.Rumour – Emotional Traffic. Graham Parker is a footnote in musical history. That makes the Rumour a footnote of a footnote. Nice tune / guitar work though.
17.Steel Pulse – Prodigal Son. Some glossy music monthly recently did a top 50 of Island albums. That Handsworth Revolution failed to get in beggars belief. The. Best. British. Reggae. Band. Ever.
18.Marshall-Hain – Dancing in the City. Marshall later joined the Flying Lizards. It’s kind of hard to see the link. That’s why I like music from this era so much.
19.Hot Chocolate-Rumours. Bet this never gets played at Old School Discos. Strange record, generally absent from any Greatest Hits packages.
20.Deodato- Also Sprach Zarathustra. Why anyone listens to classical music is beyond me. Think how much funkier 2001: A Space Odyssey would have been with this as the soundtrack.
And then there's the accompanying essay:
Proudfoot pontificates:
What does ‘undeRRated’ really mean anymore? In the early 80s my brother and I were marooned during summer hols in rural Wiltshire. We could go trout fishing or watch BBC 2 but rock‘n’roll entertainment was not locally abundant. The Stranglers made a splash when they judged a local beauty pageant. We scoured the local papers until we found a gig: Hot Chocolate were to favour a Chippenham bingo haunt called ‘Golddiggers’. We were heavily into our VU but we liked Hot Chocolate. Tickets were bought, black corduroys hastily ironed, and we lined up outside. It became rapidly obvious the bouncers were not going to let us in. The other punters were in their 30/40s and were either dressed for a night at the casino, or were auditioning for Abigail’s Party. We spent our refunded ticket money on Kestrel lager from the offie and repaired to the local park. We were deemed old enough to be (illegally) served alcohol and a packet of Embassy Regal but not old enough to enter the Cabaret Circuit. The circuit was the musical equivalent of the senior golf/tennis tour. If you haven’t ‘won’ anything for a year or so then a living can still be earned playing to middle-aged tossers eating prawns in a basket, Pringle jumpers tucked into trousers and who bought a K-Tel record with your song on it. They will talk loudly throughout your short (but professional) set until you play your Tiger Feet whereupon they might actually sing along or even do an embarrassing turn on the small pinewood dance floor.
These days everyone who ever made a half-decent recording will be reappraised, reissued, remodelled and revalued and they will be hunted down for an OST or Vodaphone advert. Unless the lead singer/songwriter is dead (and this is debatable in Peter Perret’s case) they will reform and play Meltdown festivals or Glasto. Hot young artists will name-check them in awed whispers. Artists whose former claim to fame was pg 16 in Zig Zag magazine will grace the glossy covers of Mojo and Rolling Stone. You will be allowed to kick ass live even into your 8th decade, no matter what your hair loss /waistline/dead drummer problems, as long as you can still play. We can sample and download your neglected B-sides and our kids will wear T-shirts bearing the name of a band that split decades before their birth. There is still a Cabaret Circuit, but wait! Your time will come. Again.
In 1989 I worked with Epic Soundtrax (Swell Maps) in the deletions section of a vinyl record shop. ‘Wow’, I thought, surveying the original porky prime cut pressings of Protex, Rezillos and Undertones singles. ‘This lot must be worth a bit’. ‘Not really’, said Epic, resignedly slashing the price of a Kleenex picture cover to 10p, ‘There was so much of it. There really isn’t room for everybody.’ There’s room now: there are so many formats and outlets for music beyond TOTP, the music weeklies and the charts. Nick Drake has probably shifted more units while I’ve been writing this than he did in his lifetime. Your fave new act will get more exposure (and money) from a 15 second slot on Bones than they would have from six Peel sessions.
I wish there had been a bit more room then. And I wish I’d nicked that Kleenex single.
Abahachi ... thanks for the Proud Footnotes. I'm working my way through the discs and today had to cover for a colleague (another one with swine flu) which involved driving the works van out to the edge of rural Hertfordshire for a pick up. We got a new van last year, LPG to avoid the congestion charge and a pretty solid sound system. So the run of about an hour each way saw me get through two more discs: Glasshalfempty's coolly classy confection took me to my destination with highlights of the opening track, Mercury Rev's Strange Attractor and Zi Lan Liao's Happy Tibetan Girl. I'd never heard any of these tracks before and thought it was a really thoughtful collection ... and sooo discerning to keep it to a proper album length rather than cramming as much as possible in like some ... (oh that'd be me then, *cough)
Coming back it was Proudfoot and pedal to the metal as his punchy opening salvo of punky powerpop (err ... and RRolf ^^)propelled me past South Mimms and down the A1. Then up popped a real blast from the past with The Piranhas who I saw quite a few times around Brighton in the late 70's. Then a big laugh with the pairing of Portobello Girl which I'd never heard, seguing into Portobello Man which is a real old friend .... especially with the timing as I was heading for Portobello Road with my cargo. Agree entirely about Clive Gregson and Steel Pulse!
Anyway I'm rating the Social CD's by drink.
GHE is Jurancon Sec, unusual grapes classy and to be savoured.
Proudfoot is the best Lager and Lime you ever tasted, perhaps made with Red Stripe or even Special Brew.
Anyway, cheers m'dears
I must add my praise of Proudfoot's effort. I've been working through the various discs I picked up last Saturday on my sometimes long journeys to and from work and enjoying them all, but I have to say that Proudfoot's CD is outstanding. A brilliant mix of the familiar (to me anyway) and the utterly new (to me anyway) - it shifts seamlessly from pure pop to ... errm ... less pure pop taking in Rolf Harris and Also Sprach Zarathustra on the way - what's not to love! I enjoyed every minute - when Radio Proudfoot hits the airwaves, I'll be listening ...
As ever, I managed to miss the Dropbox deadline for most of the Social CDs, but I'm really looking forward to listening to GHE/Proudfoot/TY over the weekend. I love this little community we've got going on here - in 'real life' we'll all bring a bottle to parties, but where else d'you see goodies bagged up for the folks who couldn't attend.
OK, you've convinced me. Proudfoot's comp jumps the queue and goes on next, as soon as AliM's finishes.
Debby? Check your email.
Snadfrod is Cheeky Vimto and if Frods and Foots got it on I would be in party heaven. So bless the union, do you Snadfoot and you Proudfrod ... yada yada not mention yada ...
'to' .... this is like Bunty, cut it out and attach to cover something up ...
Can I play? AliMunday's comp is a pint of Black Biddy with a whiskEy chaser. Slainte.
Yup .... I'll have the original first limited edition release on Eeeboy within the hour ...
'Cos it's no longer freely available in Dropbox it seems :)
Got Proudfoot's except for the last 4 tracks, suspecting conspiracy to drive up the price of the CD format. Also loved the track commentary & essay. Lot's of good stuff, both familiar & to investigate further on all the cd's. Biggest surprise was DsD's wonderful offering with no hair bands in sight.
Besotted update:
Radio Abahachi is Proper Perry. Snadfrod could have verged into Babycham ... but by Proper Perry I mean the bitingly dry, austere, complex perfection of pear juice which I just never find these days. I used to scrump perry pears so I know what I'm talking about. Real Perry has beautiful structure and depth allied to complex spiciness ..... and after the first few you are well up for some fun cf. Dodge The Dodo & Visiting Trumpton (can happen the next day, but is usually like being in one of those Lush soap shops)
Ahhh jazz, delicious hot ..... and sometimes like a welcome midnight kebab
"Ahhh jazz, delicious hot ..... and sometimes like a welcome midnight kebab"
By which I mean, satisfying, but for all the wrong reasons ...
So, apart from Proudfoot's entire playlist, am I missing anything else?
I do have -
Alisocial (14 songs)
Caulifloret (20)
Shiv's Clitter & Scree (21)
Tin's Don't Hog The Covers (12)
DsD's In Absentia should have 15 songs
EJD's RR 4 (17).
Gareth's Underrated (14)
GHE RR July09 (10)
Kalyr's RR Social (10)
Radio Abahachi The Social (10)
RR Mnemonic July 2009 (17)
Snadfrod's (15)
Tarxien's Pass This On (17)
TB's Don't Die Of Independence (23)
TYUTSocial CD (15)
Ed's is playing as I type, and DANG it's F-U-N-K-AY!
"By which I mean, satisfying, but for all the wrong reasons ..."
This is Schrodinger's Pavlov Kebab of course ... so I also mean for all the right reasons ....
I'll put Proudfoot's back in.
Hey ... DsD
TYUTSocial acquired a bonus track (in my head) ... if you have it, insert Waterboy's Universal Hall between the Amsterdams ... or pause and hum it ... or phone me and I'll sing it ...
Got it, thanks Ed.
[DsD raises his bat to the pavilion as the century comes up]
You put your Proudfoot in
You put your Proudfoot out
In, out, in, out ..
Spill it all about ...
Oh the .........
I'll get my socks ...
Still working through the social CDs and Abahachi's is another gem, although I have to say that I failed to get to the end of two of the tracks (4 & 7 I think - a bit too unstructured for my tastes!). The rest, I loved, particularly tracks 2 and 10.
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