The first time I heard "Dead Sound" by The Raveonettes my initial thought was "Blimey, that's Suicide. How can they so blatently rip off my favourite Suicide song?!"
After a fashion, and a few more listens (to both tunes) I decided that lifting one bit from a song and incorporating it into something new IS FAB.
Talent borrows, genius steals, in this case.
Maybe we are living in post-modern times, where all we can do is endlessly recycle the past, and is this such a bad thing?
vast improvement!
Blimpy: this comment is not relevent to this clip but I can't find any other way to communicate. For the last two days whenever I've tried to access the site I don't get the usual page, there's no options at the top for input, all I see is my out of date email, dashboard and sign out. No new post or any of that and then when I put a comment on tempusfugit's post just now it's started using a picture from my blog, not the one in my file here. Is it just me?
It's me again, just a test.
me again, for whatever reason it all changed, see bagpipes.
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