Sunday, February 3, 2008

Not cyclamen, but...

There's no way to post a pic in a comment (to tfd's 'hoped for cyclamen'), so a new entry needed to share my "garden" i.e. my balcony. I like to pretend it's summer all year (never wear anything but shorts or light trousers, short sleeve shirt or a tee). To maintain that fiction in the face of evidence to the contrary, I have enlisted one or two plant world freaks - winter flowering plants that look like summer ones. This one (a euryops, taken about 10 days ago) is best in class, but can only manage in the weather-for-softies that we get here in the west country. A bit to the left is a senetti that is flowering its heart out, despite being a summer plant. Most amazing of all, the agapanthus between them has huge buds! Having said that, I envy tfd the lovely heather and snowdrops of a 'proper' garden.


goneforeign said...

I recognise your euryops, I have three in the garden. The first was bought as a potted plant about like yours, as it grew I kept repotting it 'til finally I put it in the ground, it's now about 6ft dia. Based on that I bought 2 more and did likewise, they're all in full bloom just now. Lovely bush.

treefrogdemon said...

There are subtropical gardens further west along the coast from ere...and I have a palm tree but it's very small!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've heard about the remarkable microclimates along your coast. Must get up there some time...but maybe not just now!