The thrills of the "Matrix" were unequalled for me and all that bullet-stopping is enough to wear even a toughnut like me out. So we moved on. The idea of a fillum where the character's secret vice was a major talking point in t'cinematic world seemed a great one when I saw yon script. Blimey what a schocker! So , you Spillers, the question is...what is my secret vice that I am so lovingly preparing here in me best whistle? it's a wee bit gruesome...
oooooh close Blimpy!!! He eats people, doesn't he? Not sure what the film is. Just a hunch...
are you preparing some nice beef heart, cappy?
Slurp, slurp...just off the top of my head I can't remember...
Goddit. With fava beans and chianti?
Frogprincess you are also a secret brain-eater I see! care to join me for some later? pfrwpfrw...
um, black pudding?
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