In response to Shoegazer's query about Reformation, Mrs. Gremlin popped into our local library to ask this very pleasant man what he thought and he immediately put pen to paper and wrote his ideal band down. I won't reveal who / what it was yet as i want to keep you all in suspenders - maybe the more observant spillers can identify the 'borrower'(he is very small and lives in the skirting board). Apparently h used to be in a very popular rock-combo but has to now buy his shirts at Oxfam, where he also bought his last album for 50p. When he got home he took it out of the yellowing sleeve to find out he'd been 'Rick-rolled'. What is the world coming to.
From that angle there's a look of ... well, was he so willing to contribute a band to reform because he's been bemoaning the dearth of icons to look up to? And is whoever Rick-rolled him going to get a climbing implement embedded in the cranium?
Apparently he insisted on having the same photo taken again but "without" his glasses on" cos they "made him look old" ! I love the guy - saw him that night with just his acoustic guitar in a little pub in Steel City and he was brilliant...did all the "#*~+@*£$ numbers too...
Well, it can't be Arrietty so it must be Pod or Uncle Hendreary.
@ gremlinfc - that's a strange-looking local library you have there - with a bestsellers chart and loads of books with three for the price of two stickers on them...
My library lets me take them out for nothing!
@toffeeboy- shucks you rumbled me - using poetic license(bare-faced lying arkshally)-it's waterstones! Guess what, that bug didn't really look like Motty either!
Sorry to rain on the parade, but when:
a) Compared to your drummer, Charlie Watts is a virile young man.
b) The bass player likes to kick the guitarist through walls.
c) Even if there was a reconciliation, it would likely be a one-off cash-in caberet at best.
Would rather keep my happy memories intact.
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