Friday, October 17, 2008

Suburban mansions

Was about to take issue with lonniej over on RR about whether it could be suburbia if it was a mansion...then I remembered seeing this house for sale in my son's bit of San Antonio, which is definitely suburban. Mind you, his house isn't as posh as this, which will set you back $1,195,000 o.n.o. (I'm guessing about the o.n.o. bit.)

Some suburban songs...a suburban tragedy, by Maggie Holland; the importance of gardens and gardening, by the same (and of course suburban gardens are now very important for wildlife - not to mention veg growing); RT imagines the true suburban life, complete with shed; and I expect you've all heard Thunder Road before, but this is a live version which perhaps you haven't.

Sandy Hill, by Maggie Holland
A Proper Sort of Gardener, by Maggie Holland
A Solitary Life, by Richard Thompson
Thunder Road (live), by Bruce Springsteen


Anonymous said...

Have never "got" The Boss TFD, but people who's opinion I respect seem to love him. Would be a good candidate for a 'Spilled over.

Anonymous said...

@ tfd
if you've got the energy left to scroll down that far, I've finally got round to posting my RT top 10 for you!

goneforeign said...

I share Shoey's thoughts, he never clicked for me. Re. Lonnie, he posted a song called Danville Dame, I don't know it but there's a huge gated community where everything's are mansions, it's across the bridge from SF. Relative to my classic cars post, the Blackhawk Museum's in Danville, extremely high end private collection.