Okay 'Spillers - it's Sunday evening - what are you up to?
The Mrs & I already had our valentines dinner & a movie on Friday, so this evening we're going to slob out, catch up on the papers (Laura Marling has a big feature in the Times that I shall read first), we're gonna have a dinner of whatever we can round up (I'm currently looking at haggis and fried potatoes, I think she's having quiche) and possibly watch Mad Men on dvd.
oh, and I'm gonna listen to the nilp-jazz whilst reading the papers.
I'm trying to work out why our heating has failed - while warming the little uns room.
I'm listening to my whispering playlist to see if the songs fit and whether they are good enough to do a post... and doodling a picture for it as I go (the computer could crash, doing three things at once.. yiiiicks)
Don't have to do Valentines as we met at an anti-war demo 7 years ago tomorrow, so that's our big day... so just had baked potato.
At 9 will sit and watch that trash vampire/ghost/werewolf thing and laugh at the really bad acting.. I will probably open a beer and make the ms a herbal tea as she's not been drinking this year.
now it could be time to read z-boy a couple of books.. if his eyes are really tired.
Cheers, Blimpy!
Sandra had to work so Mara and I went sledding in the afternoon, finished building a Baufix gondola, ate scrambled eggs with smoked trout and toast, watched a Charlie Chaplin film. Once she's in bed and Sandra has finished some sketches we'll probably drink a glass of wine and watch a dvd.
am now listening to the nilpjazz, finally having got wee into bed, and done the prep for the haggis hash.
nilp - i want to know more about a baufix gondola! is baufix the same as airfix?! the trout sounds well yum. which CC film was it. Mini McF watched the documentary on early west african civilisation whilst eating toad-in-the-hole and beans for his tea.
We also got quite far on the motorized AT-AT today also.
I really am quite fascinated with the details of folk's lives, y'know.
@shane - we are currently on book 4 of the Spiderwick chronicles - has anyone else fund them to be quite good too?
Settling down, with a tapas type supper to watch the Goyas Ceremony on TV (Spanish Cinema Awards) with Mrs Maki. We'll curl up on the sofa to watch after dinner and will probably fall asleep before the end!
Lazy, lazy Sunday evening.
@Blimpy- hope the Ornette doesn't muck up your hash too much.. Baufix is a German construction system, a bit like scaled up, wooden Meccano. We were supposed to be clearing up Mara's room for her birthday party at the end of the week, but we discovered the crane and there are three other things you can build (other sorts of cranes plus the gondola) so of course we did that instead. CC was Goldrush, very appropriate with the snowdrifts we have outside the door, though the trout was considerably better than one of CC's boots. I am half expecting a bear to wander in soon though.
tonight was Shaun Tan 'the lost thing' and Helen Ward 'wonderful life'
don't know 'Spiderwick chronicles' (i'm not in the loop sometimes - the library has quite a few copies!) sounds good ..what age are they for?
we lived 'round the corner from an Aldi in Norwich - they knocked out Baufix sets a couple of christmas' ago.. ace.
Am steaming a haggis as I type; brought back to London as a present after attending the Burns Supper at Partick Folk Club a couple of weeks back. Mrs TY has already dined on my mince with neeps, tatties and carrots ... but I'm hanging on for the haggis. We spent Valentines Day afternoon at the Foundlings Museum in Bloomsbury where there's a mini exhibition by Mat Collishaw, Tracey Emin and Paula Rego. When I was a city farmer I used to know the goats at Coram's Fields but it's been a while since I've been back; poignant, in many senses but celebratory too. Our wee is spending the night in Dagenham .. with his girlfriend, so we can make as much noise as we want for the rest of the night ;) Mrs TY gave me a book of Glasgow Valentine rhymes today, 'Glasgow Kisses, Valentines From The Classroom'
"A ring is round, so is a shilling - I am ready, if you are willing"
It's years since I had a haggis.. I do have a recipe though, may have to try and translate it and visit the local butchers.. I've just developed a Pavlovian craving for a malt whiskey as well, dammit...
@nilp -goldrush is a classic. i saw most of it recently projected in the bar of an arts centre whilst waiting for a pal to turn up. the boots scene has stayed with me since i saw it at age 7.
@shane - well mini mcF is 6 and he loves 'em. he won;t be able to read them himself til he's about nine however. they are his first taste of the fantasy genre (ogres, trolls griffins, pixies, faeries etc)
@TY - sounds superb. I've been a fan of Collishaw for av long time. Underrated, if you ask me.
@haggis lovers - i won ten packs of one-minute microwave haggis - so I now have to find another 9 creative uses!!! my haggis hash (potatoes, onion, paprika, haggis) was damn tasty, but then I drank so much wine during the making of it, I woulda enjoyed a scabby dug's heid, as they say round these parts.
Well, at Ashoka on Ashton Lane I had Haggis Pakora a couple of years ago ... was the best thing on the me n' U
I cooked chicken dinner while Mrs Abahachi had a bonfire; failed to agree on a dvd, so I ended up sitting through some ghastly rom-com called '50 First Dates', desperately trying to concentrate on the paper. Followed by the inevitable Friends repeat. Oh, yes, we know how to have fun round here.
@Aba - eeeeek - that's a bad movie ( i know, having been forced to watch it [or v similar] more than once) .
remember when the lack of agreement on our behalfs led to the film recommendation post, where in the end we both enjoyed "Big Night" after buying it for £2.74.
We had a surprisingly good haggis in Paisley once, can't quite remember how it was done- might have been battered. You could try Balkanising it by baking it inside a red pepper with tomato juice, then serving it with bread and creme fraiche and some sort of fruit schnapps- pear would maybe suit.
Or go Italian- try serving it with polenta, either baked or cooked.
Make it into meatballs in a herbed sauce?
I have fewer ideas for your scabby dug's heid, though.
@art lovers - big up Patrick Caulfield, as ever. Though this pic ain;t one of his best by a long shot - i just love the way he's depicted the shaft of light.
Just been for an overpriced dinner with my siblings and their partners in that there Shoreditch and am now waiting for "Heroes" to begin. Which will be terrible, but I've committed to it now. (Am recording "Being Human" - the aforementioned trash vampire/ghost/werewolf thing, which I rather love. Although the first series was far better.)
Blimpy, did you get my email about doing a 'Spill post/how I can manage it? I may just have fired a message into the ether...
@nilp - deep fried battered haggis, with chips and broon sauce, is just ace. Why mess with perfection?
Although, I do now have an utterly huge amount of 1 minute haggis in my freezer...
Is that <> an 'at' sign? I think that's where I did send, but will try again... Thanks! bb
@bish - i found it! check yr inbox, sorry about the lack of reply, it slipped thru my net, i get 100s & 100s of emails every day!!
Is 1 min. Haggis, like, really allowed? If I remember correctly, my mum used to take half an afternoon, including smoking out most of the kitchen.. shurely there musht be shume mishtake.. deep fried is indeed fine though. Now that's reminded me of black pudding..
dvd wise we have a great film sitting ready, Kieslowski's Blind chance, but as chance would have it Sandra is still busy working..
Got it! Thanks Blimpy. Will have a go at posting something at some point this week. Excellent - another RR-related way to avoid doing anything onerous/productive!
Have been playing with sprog most of the day (half term), Sooty and Sweep, Horible Histories - they've all got intertwined somehow, now Sweep is Superdog and Sooty is Henry VIII - home-made chicken soup for tea, followed by a piece of Toblerone. Now listening to 'Man gave names to all the animals' and hiding upstairs in the hope that freshly-bathed sprog will finally go to sleep curled up on dad in front of the TV (Winter Olympics, probably). May have to show my face soon ...
Being Human
was good tonight - wont spoil it bb
now I'm carrying on sweeping the chimney
(could be a film in that)
Nice idea for a post, Blimpy.
I worked all day, so I was feeling tired and cranky and down in the dumps. But I read my email as I trudged home through the snow, stopped off for some nice wine and a special chocolate bar, and now I have a veggie haggis in the oven, and Malcolm (all 67 pounds of him) is sitting on my lap and watching scooby doo on half the screen, and I'm going to go back to making a nice valentine's day dinner with Davie.
We meant to have late lunch in Islington, but it was so late they had started getting ready for Valentine's Day, and I don't want no part of that. So we bought loads of dessert and ended up having a very early dinner in a THai restaurant, got home, I watched a show on the Bible I meant to follow but realised I'd completely forgotten about, then Ms Ejay put on a Heart song the show Glee had reminded her of.
Valentine's Day is one of the holidays on my shitlist. It's basically that and New Year's Eve.
I had planned on snuggling up on the sofa with my girlfriend and a box of chocolates to watch Roman Holiday.
Somehow we ended up taking lumps out of each other in Tekken 6 on the Xbox instead.
I've had a lovely day, thanks. Started at a suitably leisurely pace, given that Jess was out on her first ever sleepover, and Darcey didn't come into our room until nearly eight this morning. I scored big with the Valentine's card & gift I got Julie (combined cost under a fiver - last of the big spenders, me!), and then got a couple of hours P&Q whilst her and Darcey went out to a show. My dad & brother came over to join us and the returning, full-of-the-joys-of-spring Jess. Afternoon full of games with the girls, as my brother's visit was to bring his weather-delayed Christmas presents for them, and some very pleasant drinks for us: who's familiar with VOM FASS? Bolognese served with that heart-shaped pasta that Aldi have been advertising, followed by an enormous syrup sponge pudding and custard, and finishing up with some 'ickle chocolate heart treats. I got some music chat in with my brother whilst my daughters watched Dancing On Ice, then both worn-out daughters happily wentt straight off to bed & sleep once the guests had gone.
So, loving family day, girls safely tucked in bed, warm alcoholic glow and low lights on a Valentine's Day evening: what comes next ... ?
L - U - R - V - ** Damn, 'fraid not! I've got some paperwork to prep for tomorrow's early start at work, and Julie wants to watch the video-ed Ice Skating, because she was washing up and making beds when it was on earlier.
So I'm here in the office, updating training records, listening to Guns'N'Roses Chinese Democracy, which I've finally got around to borrowing from the library.
Oh well.
worked all day (you westerners and your fancy "days off"), cycled to Mrs J's shop, put up a shelf, went to the supermarket carrying a ridiculously oversized cylinder of bubble wrap, Mrs J cooked an amazing dinner of pork steak, eaten with grated daikon (Japanese radish) and soy sauce with rice and vegetable soup, washed down with the cheapest sparkling wine in the shop.
The 15th is our anniversary and the 16th is Mrs J's birthday, so we are taking an unprecedented 2 (that's TWO) whole consecutive days off and going to Kyoto for a couple of days.....which i'm pretty excited about!
Lurv or Chinese Democracy..
..if Guns'N'Roses are putting a Tiger in your tank, is it safe to go to bed?
me and ms.sane say happy anniversary to you and ms jp.
(it's our 7 year ? tomorrow.. dvd and varnish the floor and more sweeping of the chimney - we know how to celebrate here!)
You'll enjoy this one Blimpi: Mrs Ejay was testing me on her cheesiest love songs, until she finally put on Toto's Africa, and we danced to it.
I'm going to make a movie about Ejay, the Valentine's Scrooge, who discovers the true meaning of the day through TOTO!
Actually, I'm not a big fan of the day myself. I work with lots of youngsters, and there's so much drama about not having somebody, or having somebody and trying not to make too big a fuss or too little a fuss of the day...
It's nice just to have an excuse to buy a nicer bottle of wine than usual and take a little more care with dinner than you might any other day of the week.
Now we're watching some of the old animated Wind in the Willows with the boys. As Toad just said, "This is the life..."
Blimpy - do you want to play the ghost of Valentine's day past? you get to dress up like Toto.
The thing is..my funny valentine, sweet comic valentine, you make me smile with my heart! Your looks are laughable - unphotographable - still you're my favorite work of art.
Is your figure less than greek? Is your mouth a little weak? When you open it to speak..are you smart? Please..dont change one hair for me; not if you care for me. Stay valentine. Stay.
Each day is Valentine's Day.
That's about it really.
.....sitting here, feeling slightly miserable with a heavy cold and a leaking nose, snowed in after two days of 'light snow' in stead of jumping around, drinking lots of beer at a local carnival party.....
I will swap with ANYBODY (apart from Ton; sorry, I REALLY don't want another heavy cold for at least 18 months if I can help it) - even as far as watching whatever romcom it was Herr Hachi mentioned.
Littl'Un is ill again, and I have spent the last 48 hours mopping up vomit and worse, changing the bed at lightning speed (only to have to change it again 10 minutes later) etc etc - sorry guys, hope I haven't put you off your haggis. The only music I have heard is the sound of my daughter's breathing once she finally fell asleep!
Also (she rants on) I am old enough to remember when Valentines Day was nothing more than an unsigned card from a mystery admirer...
Hope you're feeling better soon, Ton!
Gute Besserung, TonNL and Debby's little'un. We don't do Valentine's day here either- I don't need that much of an excuse to buy a nicer bottle of wine, and our anniversary comes with its own day off- it happens to be reunification day.
Now I've got to figure out how to do a Building Permit application with Mara off school for Fasching and my colleague off skiing in Austria.
same to you Shane....we've only been married for four years but have just over 7 on the clock too!
They're not ready for it Steen...
On Sunday evening my grandsons had a 'kissing Grandma goodbye' competition, which Ivan won easily since Ellis doesn't know how to kiss yet...then Naomi ran me to the station where I caught the 18.38 for Crewe. I had a cup of coffee on the train (coffee not bad at all on Virgin) and thought I'd have a baguette from Upper Crust at Crewe, but when I looked they were so VERY crusty, and I'd lost a filling in the week (own fault, eating toffees) that I changed my mind and when the Glasgow train arrived settled for another cup of coffee and a Mars bar.
Both trains were on time and I arrived at Lockerbie at 22.22; got in my car, plugged in my iPod and set out on the hour's drive back to Kirkcudbright which turned into an hour and a quarter because of fog. Got home, apologised to the cat, filled a hot water bottle and got into bed with Raising Demons by Shirley Jackson and a small glass of whisky. Damn, I have to get up at 6.15.
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