
When Will We Be Married?
Buried Bones
Lucky Man
Settling Song
Mine Is In Yours
Jacob's Pillow
Blueberry Hill
My Moon, My Man
Good Woman
A Marriage Made In Heaven
Fools Like Us
We Have All The Time in the World
Ok 'Spillers, & before FP beats me to it, what songs were played at your weddings?
Aha, got in 1st for all except 'The Everthere", where Snadfrod got in 1st (donds). Will replace with Nina's Settling Song. Left out BOH as Snad found a better one - that boy's on fire this week. Left out Cary Grant as it didn't fit the mood, which is quite mellow (mostly) for a change. Oh & Blimpy this is not the MBV cover of "all the time..." but the original.
Now updated with Bunnymen goodness. & my wedding song was Scritti Politti's "The Sweetest Girl". Suspect that wedding songs should not contain lyrics like these:
"Politics is prior to the vagaries of science.
She left because she understood the value of defiance."
But there it is.
We didn't even HAVE a song: the whole thing had to be done on the quiet as my other half was a teacher (in a Catholic school too!) and as we had produced a baby in advance we didn't want people to know we weren't married already.
And you all thought the sixties were a time of free love, peace and understanding, didn't you?
In fact we would never have been able to agree on a song anyway!
PS: and that's one reason we're now divorced...at least, one of us is dead, but we got divorced first.
That's too bad TFD, that had to be tough on you. Although, if not free love, your story does seem to confirm that there was some "swinging" going on in the 60's.
I'll have to dig out the cd and report back!!
I made one CD for the registry office, and then 6 for the reception.
The reg office mix included "Honestly" by Zwan, which is a very beuatiful and romantic song.
Now I'm back on the all-powerful-super-computer, did a little browser testing. Loaded all browsers with rr, all comments on page (about 250 posts at the time).
Chrome used 79,388K of memory
Firefox used 93,280K
Safari used 93,704K
I.E. used 104,960K the greedy pig
Chrome loaded the page ok, but the screen resolution is the worst of the four.
Firefox loaded ok & looks ok, but firefox add-ons will probably add to the memory load.
Safari loaded fastest & looks great.
I.E loaded slowest & looks ok.
Survey says, go with Safari, unless still having crash problems, then go with Chrome & squint
Highly unlikely that I will ever to be able to post on rr from my mobile again, given the amount of memory needed *sobs*
Oh, it didn't bother me, shoegazer: I didn't care what people thought, and wouldn't have wanted an expensive wedding anyway.
A couple I know played - very quietly, but they played it - the Nouvelle Vague cover of Too Drunk To Fuck during the meal.
We made mixed tapes (actual cassette tapes, and played them on a stereo pointing out a window. Lots of good stuff, but "our song" was Mellow Mood by Bob Marley.
No music - quiet registry office ceremony followed by tea at local posh hotel for Mrs Abahachi's children and parents followed by dinner at restaurant for everyone else. Can't imagine we'd have found it easy to agree on music if we'd had any, but my guess as to likeliest compromise would be kd lang's Constant Craving as one of her favourite songs that I do like.
@TFD, well I hope you at least got some cake, flowers & a new frock out of the deal, seems unfair otherwise.
@Steen, be interested to know what you make of the Feist track. In this version, some unknown (to me) hip-hopper mixed in his own rap at the end. He veers off-topic a little, but thought he did a nice job, but, as you well know, I'm no hip-hop expert. Not sure what Feist would make of it either.
We had a (hotel-hired) steel band at ours, so I recognised very little of what was being played. Gimme a break, I was rather distracted!
[Oh yeah, about half a jug of rum punch 'distracted'! - gordonimmel]
So other than the inevitable Soul Limbo the only cover I spotted was ... I Believe I Can Fly.
'Our' tunes are instead those which we'd taken out there with us on CD - Marc Cohn, Black, Bonnie Raitt - or the ones which were on heavy-radio-rotation in Barbados that fortnight.
So I give you the most unlikely Wedding Songs list ever:
Semisonic - Closing Time
Jon Secada - Angel
Spin Doctors - Two Princes
Melissa Etheridge - The Only One
Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
My brother and a couple of friends played a few songs at the reception (acoustic guitars and vocals only) and the standout track (ironically given the occasion) was 'Labelled With Love'. I'm sure the aunts and uncles, grannies and granddads thought it was a lovely track about a happily married couple...
Right - off to the beach. Hope the wedding stories keep coming. Have the mobile, so will be checking in here, but won't be able to see in over there.
Tincan waving his "tangenitals" at Maddy cracked me up & Abahachi's on great form as usual. Seems to me that normal service is resuming slowly but surely.
As mentioned on the blog, in Japan, you don't have to have an actual ceremony at all. You just get a form form the council office, get a couple of people to sign it, supposed to be relatives, but could be anyone, and hand it in. That's it! (It's a different colour form if you want to get divorced!)
There was a little drama when we went in to make the everlasting (hopefully)commitment, in that it was lunchtime so we had to wait half an hour for someone to come back from lunch to stamp the form (rather than the 2 minutes it would usually take) so we went for a nice walk in the park by the office.....that was the height of the romance....when we got back from our stroll we were officially married and I forked out a whole 350 yen (about 1 pound 70p) for a(n optional)certificate.
The song would have been "Goody Goody Gumdrops" by 1910 Frutgum Company....early on in our budding relationship when we were still trying to adjust to each others language, just in passing, just once, I mentioned this song as the ultimate love song because it is just such a rush of giddy happiness (as love should be) rather than the dreary balladry that comprise most love songs. And, a year or so later, on Valentines Day, I was presented with an original 7" (surely the way to any man's heart)that had been procured from somewhere in Holland over the internet.....ah...who says romance is dead!
I vaguely recall that there's at least one other Buffy fan on the 'Spill, which gives me licence to recall this wedding-related put-down. Non-fans should perhaps stop reading at this point, as I'm doubtful that my summary will persuade anyone that this was actually one of the finest TV shows in the last couple of decades...
From the end of the episode when Willow inadvertantly curses everyone else in different ways, including making Buffy and Spike fall in love and start planning the wedding. Everything having been returned to normal:
"Well, I wasn't the one who wanted Wind Beneath My Wings for the first dance..."
Abahachi, as your fellow Buffy-lover I wholeheartedly dond that episode...except, of course that it inevitable reminds me of the actual Buffy/Spike relationship later on, which I absolutely loathed every single minute of...
I watched Series 6 once, and never again; the whole thing was just utterly wrong and a complete disaster, and I tend to pretend that it never happened and they did finish the whole thing at the end of Series 5 as originally planned...
I loved series 6; it was series 7 that pissed me off, although the very last episode was fine.
I never found Willow convincing as a villain - she reminded me too much of Darlene in Roseanne (whom I love). I did like 7: I'd been writing fanfic and I was pleased that the final ep finished with a line almost identical to the last line in MY final ep.
Although in mine, of course, Buffy and Angel got back together...
I think Willow could have been an excellent villain if they - or Marti ******* Noxon - had had the courage to follow through the idea and develop it at length, rather than making a few crass magic=drugs analogies and then wrapping everything up with a "but we all love you" "oh that's all right haven't I been silly" scene. Compare and contrast the impact, and sustained impact, of Angel going bad in Series 2. Sorry, Mnemonic, I can be more or less open-minded about other people's choice of music, but when it comes to what they did to my favourite ever TV series...
Season 2 is my favourite...I loved it when Angel went bad (leather trousers! and all those leather trousers jokes) and the end was just heartrending...
Like "When will we be married".. I always skipped over Louis Armstrong on the O.H.M.S.S. soundtrack, though.. I much prefer the M.B.V. cover of the song.
Wedding-wise I've only ever been at two, and neither of them were mine.
I did listen to the Feist track, shoegazer, sorry not to get back about it. I liked it. Not sure who the rapper is, (I'm certainly no expert, either). I'm conflicted about Feist--somebody I respect a lot sent me links to some of her songs, and I liked them, and her, but she's also got that songs-that-get-used-to-accompany-weird-pastiches-of-tv-romances-on-youTube feel a little bit as well.
May add on MBV's cover, when back home - but for me it's the original all the way. Think I have a Jah Wobble "Blueberry Hill" cover kicking around somewhere too....
Never bothered with Buffy - think the movie must have put me off.
Oh, Shoey, the TV series is a million times better than the film...
...loved Settling Song btw
Oooh, look at all the Buffy fans! I thought I was alone in my geeky fandom of the Buffyverse. I loved Spike but S2, when she sends Angel to hell: just argh! I couldn't stand Riley, gimme Spike any day.
Riley, urghhh..."oh, my girlfriend's mother has a brain tumour: WHY ISN'T SHE PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO ME?"
What on earth did Buffy see in him? And why didn't The Body win some kind of award?
We had no music, just a registry office do with half a dozen people. We told the other half's family a year later (they don't like me much). Then we went to the pub with lots of people, my bag was nicked with my housekeys in and someone lent us the taxi fare home - Mr Munday had to break in, slitting his wrist and breaking a mirror in the process. I bathed his arm with gin, he fell asleep and I went up in the attic in my wedding finery to get a piece of hardboard to nail over the window. So I'm not sure what music would have been appropriate!! "I love the sound of breaking glass", perhaps?
Tee Hee Shoey - no playlist from me this week as I worked this week end. I can't dance the wedding march but were I to try, it would be Al Green's Let's Stay Together. Done deal.
Yeah, someone needs to sex-up that wedding march tune -it sounds like a funeral durge.
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