Sunday, December 20, 2009

An old, er, "friend?" topically revisited as RATM hit number one!

Apart from Danny Murphy inspiring Fulham to stuff the Mancs, this is the only bit of good news I've had all weekend.

A further bit of fun: is it just me, or if you take a black marker pen to the face, isn't it possible to make the resemblence uncanny?



DarceysDad said...

Blimpy, if we get (or you think we'll get) any threats about the photo, take it out.

Blimpy said...

Even tho i have ideological problems with both cowell and RATM - I am glad that people power can break the stranglehold that Cowell and his idea of what good music is has over the good british populous.

ShariVari said...

I'm ambivalent about it, really. I can appreciate as a humourous example of an internet meme / people power subverting the expected (like Rick Astley being nominated for an MTV lifetime award or the guy behind 4Chan being named Time's 'man of the year') but for a campaign built on the lulz, a lot of people seem to be taking it incredibly seriously.

I find X Factor a genuinely unpleasant show - too much of it seems focused on humiliating the deluded and mentally questionable, but there has been a fairly nasty element to some of the opposing commentary too.

Luke-sensei said...

i'd been following this story (from a great distance of course) with child-like glee and have just woken up to excitedly find out the result! great news and further evidence if it was needed of the mighty power of the internet and the return of people-power. Up The Revolution!! etc....

Luke-sensei said...

i've never seen a single episode of X factor mind you, the only SiCo action we get is late-night on a digital channel repeats of American Idol, he is a ridiculous figure of fun though.
great pub quiz facts for about 20 years time too.....

ToffeeBoy said...

I'll join ShariVari in the ambivalent corner. I did greet the news with a smile but not because the RATM song holds any interest for me (personally, I think it's a pile of *!%$) but simply because it's good to see Simon Cowell knocked back - however slightly. The smug assumption that the X-Factor winner would (should?) automatically become the Christmas number one is just too cynical and needed to be addressed.

ToffeeBoy said...

Thanks to Shiv for posting the following Facebook link for next week's campaign over on RR. Now this is one I can sign up to.

Sufjan Stevens