Sunday, December 6, 2009

'Spillharmonic Records - FUNDRAISER!

In an attempt to push 'Spillharmonic Records over the finish line, I'm auctioning some old vinyl to help pay for the new vinyl (see what I did there?!)

The first auction is for Editor's debut 7" (the rarest Editors item that exists), you can follow the auction here - it ends in a week - the last one of these that was on ebay sold for about £50, so let's hope it goes for a similar price.

For those unfamiliar with the 'Spillharmonic Records concept - it currently stands at this: A release of a 4 track EP on vinyl/cd to helping get good music to a wider audience. Everyone who donates (no matter how much) becomes a shareholder and gets to be involved with the music choice/ sleeve / videos etc etc.

You can donate securely via the sidebar widget, which will take you to a paypal page.

If anyone knows any Editors fans or posts on Editors messageboards, please go and spread the good word!!

***Edit*** I have now added a mega-rare Maximo Park record as the 2nd auction, click here to see it.


ToffeeBoy said...

Hey, blimpy! Do I get any 'Spill points for noticing that the Maximo Park record is on the same tablecloth as the lego in last week's post????

Blimpy said...

Yes! But you then have to donate those very Spill points!! Thanks!

Blimpy said...

***update*** teh spill has tweeted at both editors and maximo park, we'll have to wait and see if they bite///

TracyK said...

Would it be mental if I bid on the Maximo Park?

saneshane said...

not only would you acquire a rare record... but you would be helping future artist record their own...

go for it!

Blimpy said...

@tracyK - yeah!! go for it!!!

TracyK said...

Hmm, on Watch you go...

TatankaYotanka said...

What's the target Blimpy? Isn't one of the major rules of fund-raising that the people most likely to give are the ones that have already given something? Don't know how many of us have already chipped in but if the question was would you all/'x' number of you, add an extra 'x'amount, it might get us there. Algybra ... see ;)

ejaydee said...

Here's a crazy idea, it might be controversial, you may have alreay thought about it Blimpy, but how about selling some ad space?

Blimpy said...

hey dudes!

i guess there is kind of a target, but it kinda changed a bit when we decided to go for a 4 track 10" over a 7" - luckily we can keep collecting til any bills have to be paid. i need to re-price things up slightly. we'll get there eventually - good music is timeless, so there's essentially no rush!

i would feel a bit bad about asking shareholders for more cash, or selling ad-space to tell you the truth.

Blimpy said...