Saturday, May 3, 2008

Don't Eat the Gingerbread!

The brazilian Donald and Nilpferd's daffy brought us here. And it seemed like a good warning for Ejaydee to JUST SAY NO to those Cheney cookies!


steenbeck said...

So if Barack Obama doesn't get nominated for the democratic candidate, we're seriously thinking of leaving the country. (I know, it's insane that we've been here for the whole Bush nightmare) but enough is enough. Any advice from this international crowd on where to relocate? We have skills, but they don't seem to pay the bills.

ejaydee said...

I just had to mention this:

I have to say it doesn't look good for Obama. What I'm more concerned about is the fact that McCain has a viable chance of winning against Obama or Clinton, when he shouldn't even be in a running even if he was competing with Kucinich.

steenbeck said...

Yeah, someone sent that "Stuff white people like" in an email. And Mos def was on there. And I do love mos def. But I think that's not taking into account his, I think, highly intelligent political views... this or this
Okay so we're a big cliche. I've even forgotten how to put the accent on the e.

saneshane said...

I guess we are the lucky ones compared to the rest of the Buffoon posts here in England.
In (my part of) Norwich we have the Green party, who are very pro active, and is the only way forward...a useful skill is the realisation that people need advice from others and taking it...simple working together.

I never grew out of my...(parents) hippy ideals in its purist..idealistic form. I just want to share and soppy though it is..I want to be nice!!!
how on earth did I survive the 80's????

steenbeck said...

What I know about Norwich is that the Man in the Moon came down too soon and asked his way there. And then he went to the South and burnt his mouth with supping cold...shoot I can't remember...some kind of porridge. I swear, I'm sober, it's mother goose!!

saneshane said...

don't know this at all..
thought sober was banned anyway after ejays fantastic post!

steenbeck said...

Here's what I could find...

The Man in the Moon came tumbling down,
And enquired the way to Norwich;
He went by the south and burned his mouth
With eating cold pease porridge!

That's it. I read something like that almost every night to the boys. It's mother goose.

saneshane said...

will find out more
thank you.

steenbeck said...

Haha! I know I claimed complete sobriety, but I just read my RR comment about Nature Springs and it don't sound that way. I did have a few glasses of wine with dinner, but it's all over now.
Sorry if I sounded peevey, Ejaydee, I'm feeling very discouraged about Obama, I can hardly read the news any more. And I hate to fit a description. (that RR blog about nerdy kids reading websites about where samples come from was painful). We did almost drive up to Montreal after the 2004 election, but Malcolm and the dog didn't have the required paperwork.

But I would like my children to experience life in another country, as I had a chance to do growing up. And if McCain, or indeed even Clinton, is elected, I don't want any part of it. Although I'm not sure anywhere will be safe, if they're threatening to obliterate entire countries. I've got to stop with these serious anxious pre-bed comments! I promise, never again.

ejaydee said...

So you were really going to do it? Which other country did you grow up in?

ejaydee said...

Which was the RR blog about nerdy kids reading about samples?

nilpferd said...

EJ, according to your website, Canadians threaten to move to Europe, and Europeans move to NZ... I'm doing this in reverse, so I guess I'll end up in the US sometime soon... in which case, maybe we should just swap, Steenbeck, and skip Canada.

nilpferd said...

EJ, that blog was here, I think: not a very well written one, IMHO.
Degenerates into a tedious slagoffathon pretty quickly.

saneshane said...

the man on the moon is quite a tale
thank you for that.

It is a cautionary little ditty for those thinking that somewhere else maybe better than where they are.

I love this holistic blog.

steenbeck said...

Thanks for finding the sample blog, Nilpferd. Not very well-thought out arguments, I thought. And, okay, I'll switch with you. Do I get to be an architect, too?
Moving to another country at least temporarily, was always something we'd talked about, but the thought that Barack Obama might be president seemed worth waiting around to see. And then there's the reality of finding a place that would take us, and supporting ourselves... And then there's the cautionary tale of the Man in the Moon telling us just to stay put. (Thanks, Saneshane, it makes so much more sense, now.)
I grew up mostly here, but every few years we would live in England for a while and we went to school there a few times.

Nilpferd, these have some wonderful early-wonder-of -the-possibilities-of-film special effects...

nilpferd said...

Steenbeck, you're most welcome to be an architect if you like. I think film-maker and musician sounds nicer, though. Don't give up on Obama yet, though- our neighbour has assured us that most of the US military will be voting for him.
Thanks for the clips, they look fantastic. The trip to the moon I know but haven't seen in full, the others are new to me.

Nobody looks at the moon in the afternoon,
and this is the moment
when it would most require our attention,
since its existence is still in doubt.
Italo Calvino, Mr. Palomar.

steenbeck said...

Beautiful moon quote, Nilpferd. Actually, Malcolm gets VERY excited when the moon is visible during the day, which is something I like about him.

And I wish I could consider myself a filmmaker and musician, because I'm a baaaaad housewife. I've been reading a lot of Trollope, lately, though, and I've decided my new career goal is to be a roustabout or ne'er-do-well, or perhaps a bon vivante.

nilpferd said...

Mara (nilp. jr) finds it quite a transgression- "whats the moon doing there?!". She sometimes stamps her foot. It doesn't go away, though.
How about a Troubadour- you get to compose romantic verse, sing songs.

steenbeck said...

I think I would like being a troubadour. But I don't have a lute, so I'll have to carry around my semi-hollow bodied electric guitar and see if I can find places to plug my small amp in. Why don't career counsellors ever suggest troubadour as a profession? I think it could be very rewarding.

ejaydee said...

Roustabout sounds good, you could combine it with troubadour and sing on the oil rig, or the dock, which is where a roustabout works, or not, according to the dictionary.

steenbeck said...

OIL RIGS!! I thought it just meant general late-night carousing. I guess this shows the importance of thorough research before you choose a career. Although I hear there's a lot of money in oil these days, and I'm sure it's the troubadours on the oil rigs who are reaping all the profitts.