Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jyeeah cummon.

Now, I know that this is old and that some/all of you may have seen this before, but all that big penis japery has got me rather giddy so I thought I would share with you one of my very favourite (apparently completely genuine) musical things. Ladies, gentlemen, undecided 'Spillstologists, I give you: Speak, the Hungarian rapper.

I think this is a message we can all cling to, no?


Blimpy said...

ha ha ha ha , i'm sure i've actually seen this before; i watched my friend's german pop video channel many years ago - and I'm sure this was on it - it's hilarious. it's like an Eastern European 17 or summat...

TonNL said... could score high at the Eurovision 'Song' Contest, I mean, it's not much worse than an Irish turkey....