These are a few pictures of Halloween in my town. I have many more, dramatic, at night with the blue light and the smoke...
but this is all an excuse to ask...I had an idea for AOTW, but I was wondering if somebody else had one, or if we thought maybe all the wonderful saxophone & japanthocasts were enough to listen to this week. Actually, it's an album I nominated a song from this week and it didn't get a lot of attention, so, I suppose there's no hurry.
Is it CYHSY? I've grown to love Emily Jean Stock thanks to you, and I liked Underwater You and Me this week too. I was put off by the singer's voice when their first album came out because I deemed too similar to David Byrne's and at the time I was mounting a mini rebellion against influences that I perceived as being too obvious. But that was then...
Hee hee! YES! It is! I've been listening to their second album a lot lately and it's very crazy but in a way I can imagine certain 'Spillers enjoying. They're trying something new, it's not for works for me. I always like that combination.
off topic completely but i didn't want to do a separate post, the Cover Me Songs blog has downloadable mp3's of a neat collection - covers of each song on Robert Johnson's King od the Delta Blues album.
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