This is the pilot ketch 'Vigilant' on which my great-grandfather Robert Atkins worked between Dover and London in the second half of the nineteenth century. He also worked out of Hartlepool for a while, which is my (only) link to the North-East...
...but here's Sting with a couple of sea-shanties off the Rogues Gallery album.
Thank you so much. Very much enjoyed hearing them. He has a good technique, hasn't he? You kind of get the impression that he's not satisfied with what he's done and is constantly learning, trying new things just to see if he can. I wasn't a fan of the Dowland album he did. But the point is... he did it.
I was hugely entertained, when I downloaded Rogue's Gallery to iTunes to see that "A Dying Sailor to his Shipmates" came up as being by "That Wanker Bono". Did it do that on anyone else's?
No! How unfair! My iTunes really should be of the same opinion as yours on this subject.
I was actually *shocked* by Loudon Wainright's version of the 'Good Ship Venus' on that CD, it's so rude! I can't believe I forgot to recommend it for the sweary topic ages ago. I seem to have deleted the Bono one, Sting's were okay though :-)
Nice to see Bethnoir on the blog. I always think of you as Divine Comedy's 'Happy Goth' and that's meant to be a compliment. We used to sing "Good ship Venus" in the playground. I hope it was a watered down version. Speaking of things nautical and very very obscene. Go on Youtube and then look for the kiddy's cartoon animation series 'Captain Pugwash'. That's absolutely filthy and full of double entendres. I love it now. Didn't get it then.
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