Saturday, March 8, 2008

The art of dondling....

I guess you all got the guide to dondling in today's Guardian (except those in the far flung parts of the RR empire). Didn't know it started in France - was that you again fp?


goneforeign said...

Can someone scan and post this for those of us in the colonies?

nilpferd said...

(psst- GF- I suspect there's been a bit of tampering going on, though I didn't get the original paper myself either. Nicely done though, compliments GHE. I could be wrong of course, I've just watched the Prestige, so maybe I'm just imagining things)

glasshalfempty said...

Sorry to disappoint, GF - our fame hasn't quite reached the front page...yet. The freebie was a close cousin of dondling, but for the visually rather than the aurally minded - it was "The art of doodling" before the robots got at it...

Anonymous said...

Genius GHE. You had me for a second. Christ you're all so good at photoshop. Frogprince is too. He 'corrects' photos of ships according to modifications made later on by the constructors. I really must ask for some tutorials (any Fner Fner there was entriely imagined by you lot..). Well I think donding did have its origin in France, in a way. Ask any Frenchman if France invented something and they will reply with a resounding "Mais oui - bien sûr!". Except that it really was our Ejay who invented donding - albeit from London.

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture- I did have the supplement, but left it on a train yesterday.
