Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exile on Sao Paulo Street

Say you've got a bit of a band going. You've done a couple albums and they've sold so-so. The alt-country/blues/rock field is crowded these days. Reviewers say you can sound a bit like mid-70's Stones, which is great 'cause you loved those albums. So when someone - and we don't know who; it's not like minutes were taken - says maybe we should try and sound even a bit more like the Stones, no one puts their hand up and says ''surely you're taking the Mick.'' Someone else, maybe even the same person, says why not have a go at making a record that sounds like a follow up to Exile on Main Street? Or the missing tracks fromwhich thereby?
Now, would you do it?
Woulda ya?
Would ya have a go?
The Deadstring Brothers have, and its called Sao Paulo.
There's nothing wrong with the album. It's capably done.
But would you have done it?
Would I?
Well I picked Smile as the representative sample because it's the shortest song on the album. You've got stuff to do. I've got stuff to do. We're all busy.


Fintan28 said...

Tin, dead on characterization you've made. Dangerous road to go down tho'. Say you're young & a bit sloshed & someone says "hey you sound like Peter Noone". The mind boggles!

Unknown said...

I dont think I would, because if I loved an album that much, I would probably think it's perfect already wouldn't I?