Zissou has been found living on a large traffic island in the middle of the A23 at Thornton Heath Pond. She's fat and glossy and apparently been eating scraps thrown at her from all the local takeaways. She arrived home half an hour ago c/o the Cats Protection League who trapped her and kept her overnight. Not taking very kindly to Zebedee yet, so she's shut in my bedroom with her own food and temporary litter tray. Zebedee, who has not long left his family of six (mother, grandmother, two siblings, and an uncle) is simply curious.
Just how many lives must she have got through there, I dread to think.
Congratulations!!! That's great news!
There's a 80% chance I'll see you tonight.
That's fantastic, Mnemomic!
BRILLIANT news, Mnemonic, but oh boy, are you going to have trouble now!!
So how far away from you is that traffic island?
Oh, and PS - If ejay is on about "seeing" you at the MFF, there's only about a 10% chance I'll be there, as I was up all night last night working: literally never saw my bed.
Off to play something cat-related to celebrate for you ...
About one and half miles. No, ejay and I are planning to be at the ICA to see David Thomas Broughton. I ma be late back for the MFF.
I've just had a delayed reaction and sat on the bed with her and howled for 10 minutes.
David Thomas Broughton? The man with the annoying voice who loops and layers? Seem to remember you raving about seeing how he does that live.
And re the crying - all well and good, but what with that, the temporary incarceration, and the interloper, just watch Zizzou doesn't decide to take off again!
Amazing news; I am so delighted for you. And I hope we can now look forward to the publication of a feline take on J.G.Ballard's Concrete Island.
Oh, Mnemonic, I'm so happy for you!! What wonderful news. Almost made me weepy.
Brilliant! It's so good to have an RR cat story with a happy ending.
Nilp found his tune; you found your cat. Who's next?
Thank you M (and Z) for this news - it made my heart leap, and tears spring... made me SO happy! xx all round.
How lovely, such good news.
Shoegazer said... Nilp found his tune; you found your cat. Who's next?
Well, if anyone finds a ticket with this weekend's six winning Lotto numbers on, it's mine, OK?
Hey, Mnemonic, how about a picture of where Zizzou's been living?
I'll try to take one over the next couple of days - make a good book cover for the cat's version of Concrete Island.
That's just great! I echo every comment here. Did she have a collar or a chip, how did the CPL people know where to bring her and was she being fed or was she scrounging food. Is the roundabout so busy that she couldn't escape and where did she sleep, did she have 'friends' there? Wonderful news!
that really is great great news Mnemonic! Amazing!
She's microchipped. CPL think someone may have been keeping her until about a week ago and she may have escaped and been trying to find her way home. She's much too fat and healthy to have been living rough for long, they think.
coulda been got by a jaguar shark!
Most pleased for zizzou and yourself.
That's amazing!
You hear about these kinds of stories, but figure they're made up
Wow, my heart did a little flip-flop and I too am all teary. I confess I'd pretty much given up hope but here you go! So pleased for moggie reunions! xxx
GOOD news at last!
Zissou's holiday home has now been added to the official Spill map...
@ Mnemonic - that's fantastic news! The longest we've ever lost a cat was about 36 hours - and we went through hell then. I can only imagine what you must have been through.
Chipped and full of chips on return, I'm so happy too!!
Thanks, Abahachi, I love that!
Congratulations Mnemonic! I'm really pleased for you all, and hope the two felines adapt to each other in a spirit of tolerance!
ZISSOU! I missed the news last night as I didn't get in till late...but I have commented on RR.
Be nice to that kitten, you hear?
The cat crept out ... the cat crept in again ... maybe there's a song in there somewhere?
Congrats cats!
More proof of cats being the best animals ever. Echoing others above, I'm delighted to hear a happy ending.
Brilliant, only just read this. Remind me to tell you about Scarlett the Islay cat one day, but got to dash now.
@ Blimps. Found 50p in my Hotpoint washing machine. It was blocking the pump/ fan thingy. Does this count?
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