Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's Talk Sleeves...

Spillharmonic sleeve ideas?

Do we want to go down the route of handmade sleeves (not like the one pictured)? 

Or do we want a glossy pro printed effort? 

A handmade sleeve could establish a 'Spillharmonic house-style, and make each sleeve unique. This would mean setting up a spillsweatshop somewhere in the country, at some point in the future....

I think a 'Spillharmonic stamp could be made up, to stamp the record label with. 


steenbeck said...

Homemade, but how many would we be making? Could do a not-so-glossy small run printed compromise?

Blimpy said...

Hundreds - it would have to be a combination of stencilling, stamping, and sticking mebbe

Shoegazer said...

Does Tracy have a class that needs a craft project? As I'm fond of both diy & slick, high production value, cover art, will defer to our resident artistic genius's. We also have some photography talent that could be tapped?

steenbeck said...

Well, in an ideal world, we would all get together with our gluesticks and macaroni and drink a lot of red wine and crank out some sleeves. But in the real world, as we're all very far apart, I'm guessing that the work would fall upon Blimpy and/or Shane's shoulders. (Right?) So it might make more sense, and actually be more collaborative to toss a photoshop file around and send it somewhere to be printed. We could scan in a DIY effort...

Unknown said...

Could we do multiple sleeves (for the same record), making each a bit extra special? Actually it would probably be a nightmare after more than 50 copies.

AliMunday said...

We could all do a design and then photoshop them all together in a chequer board effect ...

TracyK said...

Ha! The only class that I could conceivably do colouring in with are too, um, low ability to be able to know how to cut a straight line when I asked them to last week. I had to show them how to make a fold and then cut along it. This is the same group where the girl wanted to "listen to the music in her head".

Anonymous said...

see the music that's in that girl's head - that's what we should release!! guaranteed, the world has never heard anything like it!

Shoegazer said...

How the once mighty British education system has fallen. Time to bring back sex segregation, Tom Brown, St. Trinians, tuck shops & faggery? That'll learn the little bastards to cut in a straight line.

Donds for releasing children's head music on vinyl (10 inch).

Carole said...

We should save the name "Children's Head Music" for our first compilation album.