For Prudence sake, a nickname for Dropbox would be handy. Any ideas?
(I'm leery of stuff like this because we don't want to appear cliquey, but then newcomers don't know what Dropbox is anyway.)
Once we have an agreed name for it, perhaps Blimpy will allow a brief explanation and invitation link on the Spill sidebar. If he can take 5 minutes out from searching his loft for Scottish bands. (You do wonder where some of them disappeared to)
Oh yeah, and we need to be able to verbify it as well, so presenting your suggestions in noun and verb form would help.
(One idea is to just have a verb word. So instead of saying it is in _______, we can just say I've ________ it, or it's been _______)
Pandora - if you open it, Lord only knows what you'll be letting into your head! And once it's out there ...
It's in Pandora = I've panned it, or (in the passive voice)it's been panned. Hmmm. Not entirely sure. What i'd do is wait for a typo (like dond) and let chaos take over.
Good point re the possible misinterpretation of "panned", Proudfoot.
"Dora", then? I'll Dora it is OK, but there's the tricky issue of spelling the past tense: "dorad", "doraed", "dora-ed"? None of those quite look right, do they?
And as a parent who has spent too many hundreds of hours with Dora playing on the TV across the room, my immediate reaction to any form of doraing is .....
Now Diego - that's another story. He's sexy
Pandora is also a website in the same vein as Last.fm and Spotify. Not available to UK residents, though.
"Teh dump"
Maybe we could just put an asterisk in brackets after the song title.
Steel Pulse - Prodigal Son (*)
That's only any good for contemporaneous nominating and DBoxing, Makin'. I tend to be a bit slack on that, and often put the songs in later. What's the perfect tense of * ?
Good point DsD.
And what would happen if we wanted to nominate Stellastarr* ?
How about "thump" as in boxing?
"I've deebeed it" sounds OK.
Jukebox? MusicBox? Wurlitzer? PlayRoom?
Possibly too formal, there, ghe. Although "now on the RR jukebox" has a certain ring to it.
With a nod to our existing used of "spill", how about something like "pour"?
Or even the simple "drop", or is that too close to being identifiable, Tinny?
I don't like the imagery that "thump" conjurs up, but you get points for your working out, Makin' (geddit? Oh please yourselves)
[Insert as appropriate]
How about 'Touch' as in kicked into, knocked into gone into. Allows lots of possibilities for wordplay, touched, untouched, soft touch, untouchable, touchdown etc etc ..
@ DsD - but then there's the whole problem of inappropriate touching. Let's not go there - our friends from The Vibrators are still hanging around somewhere ...
Fyodora's comment on the mothership this midday about spooks and dropboxes has prompted me to suggest (steal her idea): Dead Letter Box. I'll DLB it later. It's just been DLB'd. Could you DLB it please?
@ Toffee - as much as "shouldbedoingsomepaperwork" sounds like one of my AAAs (admin avoidance alias), that wasn't me.
However I agree with your concerns; let's avoid touching each other, shall we?
Since tincanman created the Drop Box, maybe we should call it the tin can. Then we could say things like "I dropped it in the tin can, man." Or "Drop it in the tin can, man." Or "Could you tin can that, man?"
Since tincanman created the Drop Box, maybe we should call it the tin can. Then we could say things like "I dropped it in the tin can, man." Or "Drop it in the tin can, man." Or "Could you tin can that, man?"
Like it. You'll have the linguistic pedants up in arms though- "I could can it"..
Maybe we could call it "The Cannery." I'll send that one off to the Cannery.. like Marconium, sort of derived from the originator. Technically, the verb would then be "preserve", or "have preserved".
Rhyming slang opportunity for the Scots, of course- I'll Sean it for you..
What if you prefer George Lazenby?
If we called it tin something we'd have to call the Spill the Blimphosphere or something.
Marconius' little project takes a couple hours work each week and took god knows how many to set up. Dropbox wasn't and isn't that labour intensive.
What about saying something like I've listed it,it's on the list, etc
Oh and DsD asks, what would happen if we wanted to nominate Stellastarr*
Off the top of my head, I'd have to think the odds of that are pretty damn small, whoever he she it or they are.
Tin, don't be ridiculous. Nobody prefers Lazenby. OK, Caitlin might. But if she likes she can say, I'll George it. Or whatever she feels like. We'll all know what she means. Besides, we all know you did next to nothing setting it up, but you had the idea, right? It's the alley-oop, dammit!! It came to you in a dream!!!
Two points, and it's the Cannery.
"Listing it", "on the list" would get confused with the Spotify list, I think.
Is there a Cannery row going on here?
Keep the ideas coming, but I think if the aim is to keep under any radar, an innocuos work might be better. If we use cannery people will ask what it is. Same with 'the list' of course, but ''adding it to the list'' won;t be questioned 90% of the time while ''put it in the Cannery for you'' will
and mneomonic is right, of course
tatanka, you up to date on your meds?
The Cannery works for me!
Ok, a bit of literal thinking, create a smokescreen around 'Cannery by using all the John Steinbeck novels ... so one person could be offering it 'to the cup of gold', another 'leaving it in the pastures of heaven'. a third 'feeding it to the red pony'.
Cup of Gold (1929)
The Pastures of Heaven (1932)
The Red Pony (1933)
To A God Unknown (1933)
Tortilla Flat (1935)
In Dubious Battle (1936)
Nothing So Monstrous (1936)
Of Mice and Men (1937)
The Long Valley (1938)
The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
The Forgotten Village (1941)
The Moon Is Down (1942)
Cannery Row (1945)
The Wayward Bus (1947)
The Pearl (1948)
Burning Bright (1950)
East of Eden (1952)
Sweet Thursday (1954)
The Short Reign of Pippin IV (1957)
The Winter of Our Discontent (1961)
The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights (1976)
Zapata (1992)
And if anyone gets suspicious we could move on to the principle conurbations of The Canaries ... and then on to the 09/10 Norwich squad ...
or if you want innocuous put it in italics or add a smiley based on tincanman's actual face ...
Sorry, I'm not getting this. Why do we need a nickname for Dropbox?
illegal file sharing tfd ... and since you've asked, you'll need to go into the Beeswing witness protection programme ... if you spot a helicopter following you tomorrow, tell them you'll sing ...
TatankaYotanka - I take it you're a fellow Steinbeck fan? I have eighteen of those titles on the shelf behind me here.
What if, instead of saying it's in a certain place, which will make people curious about that place, we describe it a certain way instead. "It's got a terrible tinny quality..."
Ah...well, ossifer, it was those nasty 'Spillers made me do it.
Well I'm not a Norwich supporter ... and that's practically an end of the week quiz; guess which Steinbeck novels are on Toffeeboy's Christmas wish list ..... or, which are the four Steinbeck novels that Toffeeboy doesn't rate.
"It's got a terrible tinny quality..."
see, we're moving away from this being a tribute to making the guy feel bad now ...
It's got a delightful tinny quality...
That's more like it ... A Taste Of Tinny .
Reclaim the word!
Its not so much the file sharing - we're just friends swapping CDs.
But dropbox wasn't meant for multiusers like this, and I'd hate them to get their knickers in a twist someday.
back to my telly
Donds for Cannery
Oh & Tin, please can you not dump my entire 'Spill playlist into the box? Any RRers who want the tangenitals should waddle over here to the 'Spill. Anything nommed on the mothership is fair game for dropping as far as I'm concerned (although, now the beast is established, it may be preferable if you let individuals do their own dropping/canning/packaging). This will also save you from donding non-existing noms on the Mothership (although it's good to know I can even tingle the Tin musical taste buds anonymously). No biggie. Your call.
Still think we've only just begun to use the potential of this tool for all kinds of weird & wonderful 'Spill collaborations. Who knows, there may even be a Shane/Shoey 2 (if his hairiness comes back. Open offer to anyone else who wants to do a team-up sometime?
I like tincanned. There are lots of possible variations. TC'd etc.
Well done team (canned applause)
What about the Spillbox?
I had originally thought dropbox access would be something people earned after being active on RR and on the Spill. Limits fly by nighters that way.
Most dropbox people fit that critieria, and if asked on RR what this Spillbox thing is, we can reply its a spill thing and give em the link to the Spill so they can sign up for that first.
My vote is for the Cannery - has a certain ring to it. Tincanman may be interested to know Mrs. M and myself will be having dinner at The Cannery restaurant in Vancouver on Saturday. I'll be thinking of the Drop Box while savouring all that tasty food.
in the grand tradition of Dond...
have you BONDed that Herman Düne for me yet?
nah... I'll BOND it now.
Why Bond... sorry need rising whY?
Dropbox = DB = tractor owner David Brown = Aston Martin = DB5 = Bond = secret gadget for music!
Had a haircut today.. at a hair dressers... WEIRD man.
What? A BIG haircut??? Say it ain't so ...
only about 4 inches off DsD,
.. we had to get the Z-boy his first ever hair cut before he starts school on monday.. so I took him... last time I cut my hair it was shaved bald in 2003 cos my best mates kids gave me nits!
Best original, drunken, thought I can manage right now is 'Spitoon.
Best original, drunken, thought I can manage right now is 'Spitoon.
"Any chance you could 'Spit another one out, Blimpo?"
"Shane, did you hack-up some Flunk?"
"Did you Toon that for already Eff Pea?"
"Could you direct that to the Tinpot, Ejay?"
"Could you drive me home, anyone?"
Off to catch up with "Scatch". Laters.
Just a couple of thoughts. The idea of Pandora's Box is pleasing, but as discussed there are problems with the verb form. How about "adore"? Might not even register as a code word to the uninitiated. It strikes me, though, that if we need to be careful, we don't often need to refer to the Box anyway - certainly not over on the mothership. Don't most of us check it regularly anyway?
You may be on to something - ideally we would all drop every song we nominate. I realize that's not always possible of course.
Remember all, from a file sharing point of view, all we do is temporarily put songs in a common folder so we can listen and discuss for the week's topic. Like a book club.
It never actually occurred to me to drop everything I nominate- I only do that if it isn't otherwise available to listen to. Guess that explains why there's so much in there each week.. it never occurred to me to store any of that, either..
Is there any problem with posting DB links on RR, btw- I do that sometimes.
db links are fine on RR, but you have to put a copy of the song in your Public folder and link to that version. If you link to a song in RR dropbox, only members can hear it.
The reason a lot of people drop songs rather than or in addition to linking to them is alot of people do their RR listening while commuting, so being able to put them into an iPod playlist helps.
Thanks tin, I knew how to do it, it just suddenly occurred to me there might be a reason for not doing it, and I missed the DB meeting. I never really thought about downloading a whole week's playlist, time-wise if I get through the few 'Spill posts and dip into the spotify links each week I'm normally doing well. I will normally download the podcasts, though.
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