Sol Seppy makes me feel LAZY here's the playlist:
Slo Fuzz
my proper Yo La Tengo Nom (wait for the extras):
Barnaby, Hardly Working
one of my top 10(000) songs ever.. so crowbarred in,
‘I’d rather stay in bed with you until it’s time to get a drink’:
the joyous fast/ slow / ohhhh that's enough for the Breeders:
Full On Idle
I have some interesting things by Homelife .. (and some stuff not really up to scratch)
Lazy Man
I think he really tried his hardest to sing proper on this mix.. lazy shites, play spot the references:
Lazyitis (The One Armed Boxer Remix)
I love Architecture In Helsinki - but most other people shrug:
Lazy (Lazy)
yo la tengo songs dubiously linked to lazy for Exodus
The Room Got Heavy
Beanbag Chair
Let's Be Still
what I thought was my first RR nomination.. remixed (with a really bad cut in it!):
Autumn Sweater (Remix By Kevin Shields)
Another fine weekly dose of tuneage, Seppy & the Breeders put in the best effort for me.
Any chance of making some avatars for us to use on the Mothership.
Nice list, Shane. Love all the Yo La Tengo. I was going to respond to Exodus, but I couldn't find the post where he asked about it.
Who sings Oblivious?
thanks shoey.. the avatars will have to wait (do you want a single finger sticking up at them or a reverse victory - 2 fingered offering?)
steen - Oblivious is Galaxie 500 if you haven't heard the album 'Today' give it a listen when the lads have gone to bed, with a large glass of wine to hand - it's lush... it has the most beautiful cover of Jonathan Richman's 'Don't let our youth go to waste' on it.
I couldn't remember which post Exodus asked about Yo La Tengo either.... it's been a busy old week in 'spill land.
Oblivious has a flying nun sound to it, loved Lazyitis for the "Ask" poppiness.
The Arch in Helsinki appeals to me on an Aalto as well as a musical basis, of the YLT I think Let's be still is the creme de la creme.
mmm.. just finished Let's be still, truly awesome. Like the Autumn Sweater remix, too.
Let's be still is from my favorite YLT album 'Summer Sun'-
only because I played it so much when my boy was born - it was good for a frantic head!
PS nilpferd
how did they get to build the Tuberculosis Sanatorium there?
from the pictures I've seen It's just surrounded by forest... were they already there.. were they planted after building?
these things boggle my mind!
(not enough to actually find out.. but enough to make me contemplate such things... when I should be working)
The sanatorium was placed in the middle of the forest for the cleansing property of the forest air.. I suppose they would have cut back no more than necessary to build, and the forest would then be recultivated.. but not sure of the particular ecological factors in this case, I'm sure Fuel has a closer handle on it..
Our former boss has a house with his wife on an island in Finland, we keep meaning to visit them but haven't managed yet.. one day soon, though..
that makes sense...
interesting designer Aalto.. one of his vases was based on a young Eskimos breeches apparently!
do you read BLDGBLOG ? I like the idea of explaining architectural theories in the form of graphic novels.... I want the book it looks fab.
Nope.. it's either that, or read books.. what with RR and 'Spill, working, cooking and parenting.. and I've just started a good one (book) on Chartes Cathedral.. the blog looks interesting though, I nearly studied Arch. in aussie, if I had I'd probably have stayed there.. though I do have an allergy for pompous or pre-packaged architectural theory, not saying that is what the blog is about, but I did pick up two or five buzzwords which activated my BS detector.. I bet you have the same thing with design.. actually as far as the theme of quarantine and boundaries goes, which appears at the top of the blog, Salman Rushdies' Step across this line is an interesting book, as is Dubravka Ugresic's Thank you for not reading, but the Architecture Intelligentsia I was acquainted with always sneered at the idea that literature or non-architecture non fiction had anything relevant to say about architectural theory.. hence my BIG CHIP ON THE SHOULDER, I guess...
rant over, he said, trying to write shanespeak and failing... hope that was half intelligible.. but I doubt it, so I'm off to bed..
Thanks for the Yo La Tengo - just having a listen now. I asked about them in reference to Euros Childs, who's playing with them (not sure who's supporting who) in Manchester on 7th November.
Only thing is, having downloaded it I really, really don't like the new Euros album. He seems to have meandered down a bit of a cul-de-sac with the clumpy thumpy keyboard repetitions. They were always an element of Gorky's work, and his first solo album, but they were balanced by gorgeous melodies & a range of instrumentation.
I switched 'Son of..' off halfway through on first listen, as it was really getting on my nerves. I've had another listen today & managed to get to the end, but I'm not sure I want to pay money to go & hear him do it live. If I get hooked on Yo La Tengo though, I might go along for them!
Exodus! I was going to do a post on Yo La Tengo, but for some reason couldn't convert my files. I'm sure Shane knows a lot more about them. The two albums I have and love are both on Spotify. Do you Spotify?
Yo La Tengo – And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out: http://open.spotify.com/album/3Dd8XjacY0PngUPEyKUHH5
Yo La Tengo – I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One: http://open.spotify.com/album/0BpCcCe0SbfFybKzo6mGOF
They have a lot of other stuff on spotify as well. If you can't listen on spotify, let me know, and I'll put some in dropbox.
I do spotify so will check those out. I have had a bit of a listen to some on Spotify already, but there's at least half a dozen albums on there & it's useful to have a couple of pointers where to start. So far I'm liking what I've heard.
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