Frightened Rabbit polled in the top ten of last year's 'Spill records of the year, and now they're back with a wee tune to hold us until the new LP comes out next spring, it's streamed from Fat Cat Records website:
Um, I just played this so loud it woke my boy up, and she said she can't hear the TV in the other room...where are my headphones. Lyrically, it seems to be a continuation from Midnight Organ Fight, except turning its attentions outward ("Are you a man, or a bag of sand?") from navel-gazing. The romance is still there, with a girl on the shore, throwing stones into the North Sea.
Musically, it's more lush than anything FRabbit have released so far, with some sweet orchestration and choirness, pushing up the epic factor, way way way away from their initial lo-fi releases. What's more, on the third listen, it's as catchy as anything! I don't think I can wait til next Spring!!
This track sounds like a distillation of all the good stuff I listened to when I was 15, like MBV crossed with Superchunk! (Via Subpop, aptly.)
Triple bonus: name this tune?! Also from No Age! I'm going to lie down now....
F*** IT!! Let's go the whole hog and have some NEW VAMPIRE WEEKEND, to appease the gods of indie.
Horchata! ( a free download from their website, go get if you like)
Those clever VW guys have made their comeback single a condensed greatest hits of their first LP. Canny!
Frightened Rabbit have been one of my 3-4 favourite bands for the last 2 years, and "The Midnight Organ Fight" was probably my most played record last year. I wasn't expecting their next record so fast, so you've just made my day.
On first listen, it sounds fuller and richer, but still rough enough around the edges. I was a bit worried about how this was going to sound, but so far so good!
5th listen: it's fucking ace!
It's Oh So Quiet!!!
Really liked the Frightened Rabbit, and I love Horchata (the drink). The tune I'll save my final judgment for after a couple of listens. How did you get that picture to be nice and big?
@ejay - it was a big pic to begin with, that's the key!
VW's second album is the biggest musical challenge I can think of. They're either a real band or a cheap and cheerful novelty sound worth one album.
(Same as Gaslight Anthem. I love the '59 Sound, but does he have any more tales of growing up to tell? If so, are there more meaningful old songs to reference in their telling)
Oooh, I was listening to GA yesterday on me 'pod
But, but, I've tried it with a really really big picture... and it was still tiny like the old blog! :(
Does it mean big in inches or big in pixels? Long ago I discovered that an 8kb pic from google images shows up at about 2" square. But a 200 kb is only 3 by 4 also? So how do you measure large?
I had a picture from my camera, so pretty big in size as well as pixels I assume, uploaded them to blogger and in the post it only used as much space as we used to have on the main column. I tried messing with the measurements (400 by 300 pixels) in the html code, but it only stretched the picture and made it more mucky.
did you selct "large" before hitting upload?
Yes. Did you upload the picture form your computer, or straight from the net?
Frightened Rabbit's extra lushness going down very well here. (Found them a bit 'meh!' before.)
Thanks, Blimpy.
Welcs Darce!
You're welcome.
And btw, I got St.Vincent's Marry Me out of the library this week thanks to last week's thread; listening as I type.
REALLY enjoying all of my evening's listening tonight. I'm gently buzzing on a combination of that and some imported 100°proof Southern Comfort. Unfortunately I had to stop the latter 90mins ago as I've got an early start in the morning.
Damn I love this blog!
LOVE the frightened rabbit!! What's Horchata the drink?
Ooh it's a lovely Mexican, milky, yet refreshing drink. You should ask the Mexican cooks at work. It should be served everywhere.
I will ask them! I think the grandfather character in the movie Quinceañera might have a horchata cart.
The VP post reminded me that I like the Very Best cover of Cape Cod better on that giveaway album you posted. Did the official album come put?
The Very Best proper album (rather than the free mixtape from last year) is in the shops now!! Features Vampire Wkend, MIA, etc.
To my shame I haven't got it yet, but will do!
Is Horchata a boozy drink? or a sleepy bed-time drink? or is there indeed any difference 'tween the two i have just described?
I think it's neither, I think you can buy it at your local Mexican deli. If you live in London, there used to be one under a bridge in Elephant & Castle, not sure it's still there. Otherwise, recent Mexican chain Wahaca serve it.
Loved all of this! Cheers Blimpy.
Come put? Sober even no sense make I. Yet another 'Spitoon possibility though, Steve Jobs is on board.
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