It's Lincoln Comedy Fetsival this week, Jon and I went to be in the audience of the recording of the Collings and Herrin podcast. I had unwisely gone for some Friday drinks with friends beforehand and had to leave midway through the programme to use the facilities: cue mockery. In case you are fans of puerile humour -and who isn't?- I thought I'd link to the show for you guys.
http://www.comedy.org.uk/podcasts/collingsherrin/Stewart Lee and Daniel Kitson to come this month: Pixies on Friday! Yay!
Be aware, if you click on 'download' you'll get 89 episodes which are impossible to delete, I tried after about 3 mins.
you can listen to it via iTunes too, which I think allows you to listen to just one podcast rather than the whole lot. I am a big fan of Andrew Collins, but prefer his more family friendly BBC persona, as when standing in for George Lamb on 6Music which is where he first impressed me with his goth track of the week and affable style.
Whoops, sorry GF! And anyone's better than bleedin' George Lamb. I asked before but you weren't around, was your picture up on Goth Day Beth? I was ill in bed and someone played a track for me that day.
Yes, Tracy, I am still there in the gallery, I think :-)
George Lamb is awful, but there are still some good presenters on there if you look hard enough.
Andrew's filling in for the idiot Lamb this week, you'll be pleased to hear! I like Cerys and love Lammo still, Tom Robinson and Gideon are aces and Marc Riley's and Shaun Keaveney's shows are pleasers too. Loved the pic of you Beth, very early 90s, I thought!
why thank you, are you in there? I know half of the people who sent their photos in, pretty small scene I guess.
I love Gideon and often enjoy the Freak Show, but since Andrew and Phill went, I'm not as excited by the station as I was. I haven't listened to the Lincoln podcast yet, I'll listen out for you!
Very few pics of me in my semi-goth phase survive, though there's a few of me in rock-chick mode. I love 6 Music and hate Lamb because he doesn't seem to give a damn about the music, which is such a crime when he's surrounded by such knowledgeable musos. Adam and Joe for prime minister!
Adam and Joe rule the Big British Castle!
Black squadron!
so, are you the first person to get up and go for a wee or the second on the podcast? Do you listen to Phill and Phil's Perfect Ten as well?
Go on post a photo of your rock chick phase!
I'm the person who gets up for a wee and then runs back, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible: epic fail. My husband is the one who says he's from Ipswich and then says Norwich is the capital of UK incest. Sorry Shane!
My new profile pic has me in my rock chick phase, Im the one with crimped hair and the black velvet dress: right on the goth/rock cusp, I'd say!
Just coming!
I knew my brother was disappointed in me for some reason..!
(Hope you husband is enjoying the season so far! - sorry T, right back)
Great Profile pic.. I remember Beths from goth day too.. class.
ah, crimpers, I still have them, but they don't get used as much now. Lovely photo TracyK, you look cool :-)
Enjoy the pixies by the way..
I did stay off work to get tickets but it was busy 'til I had to leave.
Should be cracking.. i've seen them since they reformed and they were just as powerful as first time around.. they'd better play more than just doolittle - live the 14 tracks could be over quicker than a Jesus and Mary Chain set...
have Fun
Ha I heard you! From about 42 minutes in. I'm sure it wasn't a poo.
It wasn't a poo! And as for ITFC's season so far, we went to Sheffield and the Barnsley game last week and we played well, just can't seem to score. We are loyal fans, we'll keep supporting them, no matter how much other fans (eg my bonehead brother-in-law) bitch and whine. Could be playing you lot sooner than we thought though.
I used to crimp my hair by putting lots of tiny plaits in and then letting it dry naturally, very effective and doesn't make your hair weaken.I wish I still looked like my 1994 self there.
Oh, I did that too, Tracy - but in the '70s. It was very pre-Raphaelity, especially as my hair was orange at the time.
The power of henna TFD? Sometimes I think we have an awful lot in common!
Hmm, you may be right, Tracy.
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